chapter 6

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Cherry was a little nervous and she went to thinking again. There Drell went again, bossing her around, at least this time he wasn't hurting her. The two poked their heads in as the people were freaking out.

Cherry looked up and saw a familiar ghostly trio was scaring away the people. "Oh, great.... Them..."

"Let me guess, it's The Ghostly Trio, right?" Drell asked.

"Yep..." Cherry mumbled.

"So that's how you know Casper McFadden." Drell commented.

"Yeah..." Cherry sounded embarrassed and tried to hide herself from the stinky, stretchy, and fat ghost.

Drell saw this and decided to have a little fun with her. "HEY, GUYS!" he called out to the ghosts. "OVER HERE!"

"What are you doing!?" Cherry whispered nervously.

"Having a little fun." Drell said.

Cherry glared to him. The three ghosts came over after the people had left.

"Aw, the fleshies left!" Stretch frowned.

"I can't imagine why, I just got a lot of popcorn!" Fatso said as he collected bags of popcorn that people dropped while running away.

Cherry hid behind Drell, not really wanting to see the three ghosts again.

"You really don't like them." Drell said.

The ghosts turned to look behind Drell.

"Look, guys!" Stretch reached out and picked up Cherry by her ankle. "It's that Cherry girl who's friends with the Harveys!"

"Put me down!" Cherry groaned.

"You heard her, Stretch." Fatso smirked.

"Okaaaay!" Stretch smiled back, then flung Cherry in the air.

Cherry yelled out as she flew in the air, she then looked down and was flying right back down and landed in the middle of the ground. This made the Ghostly Trio laugh at her.

"Ow..." Cherry grunted and rubbed her head.

"Are you okay, Cherry?" A familiar friendly voice asked

"Ugh, I feel like my skull is bleeding..." Cherry mumbled.

"Well, luckily it isn't." the voice told her.

Cherry looked around for the source of the voice. "Wait, who said that?"

"That would be me, Cherry." A familiar friendly ghost said.

Cherry looked around, then saw the blue-eyed ghost. "Casper!"

The ghost laughed and helped her to her feet. "It's great to see you again, I didn't think we would..."

"Sorry, I've been busy..." Cherry dusted herself clean. "Your, erm, uncles welcomed me..."

"Yeah, sorry about that." Casper said.

Cherry folded her arms. "Ugh, why can't I have a normal life?"

Casper giggled to that. "It's okay... What're you doing here anyway?" he then asked. "Kat and her family are on vacation together, so we ghosts got the house to ourselves."

"Uhh..." Cherry wasn't sure if she could tell him or not, but then again, he was a ghost, so maybe... "It's a long story..."

"I got time." Casper said.

"Man, where do I start?" Cherry rubbed her head. "Well, I'm with Drell."

Casper gasped, slightly fearful. "The Head of the Witches Council?"

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