chapter 11

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Atticus and Patch began to tell the trio witches and Wendy all about the legend. Hilda was still worried, this was the cause of her own brother's evil twin after all. While flying to the next town, the trio of witches and Wendy were told everything about the legend. They ended up in a hotel and took their land, going inside.

"And that's the legend." Atticus said, finishing telling them.

"What do you know anyway, boy?" Gert asked.

"Drell." the others said.

Drell yelled out and landed in the middle of the ground. Cherry covered her mouth, quietly snickering.

"I will haunt you in your nightmares." Drell threatened.

Cherry gulped and stepped back.

"Now help me up!" Drell then demanded.

Cherry nodded and tried to pick him up, struggling slightly due to how much bigger and stronger he was than her.

'There he goes again... Bullying you...' Evil Cherry said in her good counterpart's head. 'Finish him off!'

"Here, let me help you with that." Atticus said before coming over to his best friend's side and then bent down and lifted up Drell and then placed his feet back on the ground.

"Thanks..." Cherry breathed out, rather weakly.

"Yeah, thanks." Drell added.

"No problem." Atticus said.

"Now then, where are we?" Drell asked.

"Looks like a hotel." Cherry said.

Drell looked at her.

"What?" Cherry looked back.

"What's a hotel?" Drell asked.

"It's basically a building with many rooms that comes with room service, cable, a pool outside, and massages, but as every mortal knows, hotels aren't free and neither is anything we order from room service." Atticus said.

"Ah..." Drell nodded then and folded his arms. "We have those in the other realm, but they're not called hotels for some reason, I think they call them bungalows..."

"Kinda the same thing." Hilda told her husband.

"Makes sense." Drell smiled then.

There were many mortals who appeared to be on vacation and had overly friendly smiles. When Wendy saw the mortal couples together, this made her frown.

"Are you okay, honey?" Cherry asked her little cousin in a hushed tone of voice.

"I wish I had friend, maybe even a boyfriend." Wendy sighed.

"Oh, it's okay..." Cherry gave her a small hug. "Maybe you will someday..."

Wendy sighed. "Nobody can be as lonely as me... Even YOU have friends..."

"Oh, I know someone who might know how you feel..." Cherry hinted, but didn't fully say because she wasn't sure if she would even run into the friendly ghost again, but maybe if she did, she could introduce Wendy to him.

"Aren't you ladies a little old to be trick-or-treating?" an elderly woman walked between the witch sisters.

'I hope they don't take offense to that.' Patch thought to himself.

Unfortunately they did...

"This cannot end well..." Hilda muttered, knowing how Wendy's aunts would react, it was common for a witch outside of the supernatural realm.

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