chapter 18

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Casper floated Wendy to a gazebo so they could dance together in private.

Casper then zipped around and put a suit on with a suave smirk. "The name's Boo... James Boo."

"Black tie, I'm impressed," Wendy giggled. "Shall we?"

"Well, here goes nothing." Casper replied bashfully before he began to dance with the young witchling.

"Aw!" Mo smiled as she joined Angel.

Angel smiled up to Mo as they watched this, hoping Josh wouldn't be able to ruin it. Josh came to ruin the moment only to be stopped by Atticus.

"Sorry, this is a private party, no jerks allowed." Atticus shoved Josh back like a bouncer.

Josh was about to get Atticus out of his way only to be pushed back by the size.

"Sorry, kid." Atticus replied, acting like a surrogate big brother for Casper on his first dance with Wendy.

Josh glared at Wendy since Casper went invisible due to his shyness. "So you'd rather dance alone than with me, huh?!" he then stormed off in anger, deciding maybe the girl wasn't worth his time.

"Who was that?" Casper asked.

"Nobody important." Wendy frowned about Josh.

"He sure sounds important." Casper frowned a little softly and shyly.

'Why do I get the feeling that we forgot something?' Patch thought to himself.

Casper's uncles had a lot of fun with their new girlfriends until they started to jolt and squirm as their human disguises were about to expire.

"Oh, crud, we completely forgot about Stretch, Fatso, and Stinky!" Patch yelped.

"Oh, man..." Cherry groaned. "If they got mad at me and Kat and Dr. Harvey before, they're gonna turn me into a ghost!"

The uncles tried to distract their changing back by dancing with the witch aunts and they happily joined them.

"They're now distracting themselves." Mo said.

"Let's just hope it lasts long enough." Cherry added.

Soon enough, the uncles couldn't handle it anymore and soon came out of their human puppets which shocked and terrified the crowd since they weren't expecting to see ghosts.

"Oh, crud...." Atticus groaned.

"Well, it was nice while it lasted..." Cherry sighed.

"Uh-oh..." Wendy frowned as she and Casper saw what was happening with their guardians.

"Eh, hi, girls." Stretch waved nervously to the aunts after he and his brothers had been exposed.

"Ghosts!" Wendy's aunts gasped. They then used their magic and turned back to their true forms.

"WITCHES!" Casper's uncles gasped in return before copying them, but were unable to do anything since they were ghosts.

"Oh, this is bad...." Mo groaned.

"Wendy and I can explain." Casper pouted.

"Yeah, see, Casper came up with this great idea--" Wendy added.

"You mean to tell me you've been hanging around with this... This floating roll of toilet paper?!" Gert glared at her niece.

"Yeah, get away from her before she gives you warts!" Stretch added to his nephew.

"They are friends!" Mo glared at the witches and ghosts.

"No," Gert shook her head. "No way! I will not let Wendy associate with this puff of... Of... Second hand smoke!"

Cherry's Adventures of Casper Meets WendyWhere stories live. Discover now