chapter 2

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Sabrina was sitting on the couch with the brown-haired boy she liked as they were about to kiss. The front door then opened up, ruining the moment.

"HELLO!" Drell's voice boomed.

Sabrina and Harvey then jumped back in surprise and fright from that.

"Ugh..." Sabrina put her hand over her chest as her heart raced.

"What the heck!?" Harvey flinched.

"We're looking for Hilda." Mo said.

"She's upstairs..." Sabrina said, trying to catch her breath. "Why, what's wrong?"

"Sabrina, you know how everyone in your family was born with a twin?" Drell asked.

Sabrina paused. "Oh, no, am I gonna meet Aunt Hilda's evil twin!?"

"No, you're not." Patch said.

"Oh, thank goodness, I hear she's worse than Jezebelda or Katrina..." Sabrina sounded relieved.

"This evil twin is your father's." Drell told Sabrina.

"My dad has an evil twin!?" Sabrina panicked again.

"Yep." Atticus nodded.

"Oh, my God!" Sabrina panicked.

"Uh, Sabrina, I thought I could handle your secret being a witch, but this is all way too weird..." Harvey stood up then, collecting his jacket. "Maybe I should have my memory erased..."

"Harvey, just calm down, this is a lot to take in, but I'm sure everything will be sorted out." Patch said.

"Anyway, where is Hilda?" Drell asked.

"In the kitchen, showing wedding photos to all of her friends." Sabrina said.

"Thank you." Mo said before going into the kitchen.

Sabrina nodded to them.

"So... This is the famed Harvey Kinkle..." Drell smirked to the brown-haired mortal boy. "Nice to see your human form."

"Have we met?" Harvey asked.

"Uh, Harvey, when we first kissed, you turned into a frog and Drell gave me the Test of True Love to turn you human again." Sabrina explained.

"Ohh." Harvey said, understanding.

Sabrina nodded to him.

"Erm, nice to meet you too, sir..." Harvey said nervously to Drell. "You're bigger than I expected."

"I'm nearly seven feet tall." Drell boasted.

Mo popped her head in as Hilda was giggling and talking with Angela the gargoyle and a few other witches. "Um, excuse me, Hilda, but Drell would like to speak with you about something important." she said.

"Drell?" Hilda asked.

"Yes, it's urgent..." Mo nodded.

"Okay..." Hilda closed the book, then stood up from her friends. "Excuse me, ladies."

The girls let her go into the living room.

Sabrina and Harvey had left to go up in the witchling's room for privacy.

"Drell." Hilda smiled.

"Hilda." Drell smiled back.

"You can have a moment alone later, you two." Cherry said to the married couple.

Drell shoved Cherry out of the way and made her smash into the wall.

"OWCH!" Cherry groaned.

"Anyway... The reason I'm here is because of Desmond..." Drell said to Hilda.

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