chapter 21

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"Just get out of here!" Cherry told them. "You were controlled by the Full Moon!" She soon saw Desmond and Sombra smirking.

They were soon back to where they once were before.

"We're here," Cherry said. "Come on, we better warn Wendy before something else happens."

They soon saw the Ghostly Trio outside, floating back to where they were living while looking frozen.

Cherry took a deep breath and groaned as she walked along with Mo and Patch. "Hey, guys." she quickly uttered out rushing by the Ghostly Trio, not really wanting to talk to them since they always annoyed her.

"I hope that warlock gets that witch brat of a cousin of yours." Stretch glared while frozen.

Cherry zipped back. "Excuse me?!"

"Oh, he's done it now." Patch smirked.

"She totally deserves it for being a witch and you should too." Fatso shoved Cherry.

"My cousin is not a brat!" Cherry glared. "And you guys are just bigger jerks and worse than Gert, Fanny, and Gabby are to Wendy than you guys are to Casper!"

"She's right," Mo said before thinking about something. "Wait, how do you know about Desmond?"

"We don't gotta tell ya nuthin', besides, that brat turned us into plaster for scaring her and her aunts!" Stretch huffed.

"Yeah!" Fatso added.

Cherry rolled her eyes. "Whatever, we have to find Wendy before Desmond and Sombra do."

"Whatever." Stretch said.

"So, how did you three know about Desmond?" Patch asked.

"We ain't tellin' ya and that's that!" Stinky hissed.

"Yeah, only that we found out about him from Casper." Fatso added out of stupidity.

"You just told 'em?!" Stretch snapped. "That is so stupid, you hurt my head!"

"Honesty is the best policy." Fatso replied innocently.

"If we weren't stuck, we'd pound ya one!" Stinky growled.

"Wait, he told you three about what happens if Wendy or her aunts use any magic?" Patch asked.

"Yeah, but that witchy brat turned us into a coat of plaster for scarin' her aunties!" Stretch scoffed.

"That's how Desmond and Sombra found them!" Cherry panicked. "Wendy used her magic and it set off the alarm!"

"Now thanks to you three, they are in danger!" Patch glared.

"Serves 'em right." Stretch replied.

"UGH! YOU THREE MAKE ME SO MAD!" Cherry yelled like when Twilight was frustrated about Pinkie Sense for the first time, she even had glowing red eyes and looked flamed for a moment.

This actually scared the Ghostly Trio. Patch and Mo did their best to get Cherry to simmer down. As they went off, they heard Wendy's aunts celebrating how Wendy defended them against the three naughty ghosts and unknowing that Josh and his friend took Wendy's wand.

"Uh, why are you three celebrating?" Mo asked.

"Because Wendy saved us of course," Gert smiled as she carried her niece. "She finally did something right!"

"Along the way of also using her magic." Patch reminded them.

"He's right!" Wendy agreed as she seemed to be trying to tell her aunts that, but they didn't listen.

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