chapter 17

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"Do you wanna go to the party?" Hilda asked Drell. "i'll only go if you go."

"I'm not sure if I can since Desmond Spellman took my magic away and he won't be gone for long." Drell replied as it was close to nighttime now.

"I'm sure he won't be there." Hilda said.

"I might need to keep an eye out..." Drell was still unsure.

Cherry walked by.

Drell then grabbed her and held her back with a small smirk. "Cherry, old buddy, old pal, how'd ya like to keep an eye out for Desmond Spellman for me?"

"Might as well, besides, I don't have a date to the party." Cherry shrugged.

"Oh, poor Cherry..." Hilda cooed.

"Never mind all that," Drell smirked to Hilda. "I haven't been to a party with you in who knows how long?"

"Too long..." Hilda gushed to him. "I guess we could go to a party tonight..."

"After all, I got witch powers now thanks to you Drell, so I'm more powerful than you are now..." Cherry smirked, folding her arms.

Drell groaned, annoyed, knowing that she was right. They then saw Atticus and Mo dressed to go to the party.

"Oh, you guys are going to the party too?" Hilda smiled.

"Yeah, we might as well make the most out of this visit." Mo said with an excited smile. "It's no Grand Galloping Gala, but it sounds like a lot of fun."

"Well, it looks like the song didn't take in too much affect, it just calmed her down." Drell whispered.

Hilda was just happy that Atticus and Mo had made up, she believed in them having a bright future together.

"And for safety precautions." Drell said before putting a hat on both of their heads to block the moon from the young couple's eyes.

"Uh, what're the hats for?" Mo asked.

"From the moon." Hilda explained.

"What about the moon?" Atticus asked.

"The moon can be very powerful to merpeople and can even hypnotize them." Drell said.

"Really?" Atticus asked, he never knew that himself.

Drell and Hilda nodded very seriously and sternly.

"Well, thanks for the hats." Mo smiled.

"Hey, I care about other lives." Drell smiled.

"We're glad that you do." Atticus smiled.

Cherry rolled her eyes. "Didn't care about mine and Sabrina's much when we all first met you..."

"Then Hilda taught you a lesson..." Atticus smirked as he also remembered.

Drell pulled a face as Hilda then giggled.

"What happened?" Mo asked.

"This was when we were first knowing Sabrina," Cherry explained. "Seriously, what're the odds we'd all get to know each other just as soon as she would find out she was a witch?"

Atticus simply shrugged.

"So you met Drell after that?" Mo asked.

"Well..." Cherry held her arm. "Sabrina got mad at the most popular girl in school, so she accidentally turned her into a pineapple... Since the magic was exposed, Sabrina's secret was in danger, so Sabrina wanted to turn back time, but..."

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