chapter 15

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Atticus and Mo were now at the pool and decided to do a little merpeople magic.

"So, Mo, you think you're gonna like being a mermaid?" Atticus asked.

"It's different, but it'll be interesting..." Mo shrugged halfway. "I was always a strong swimmer before."

"Great, now, let's get invisible." Atticus said.

Mo nodded before they both concentrated and the both of them turned invisible.

"Mommy, that boy and that girl disappeared!" a little kid pointed to where Atticus and Mo once sat.

"That's nice, honey." a woman said as she was paying more attention to her magazine.

Atticus and Mo began to make their way to the witch trio once they were invisible.

The triplet witch women were lounging like normal/mortal women, blissfully unaware of what the young couple was up to.

'Time to cause a little mayhem towards these three.' Atticus thought to himself.

"What do we do?" Mo whispered. "Splash 'em?"

"Perfect, that way, they can get wet." Atticus whispered back.

"That won't melt them, will it?" Mo asked.

"I think that's just a myth," Atticus shrugged. "We tried to throw water on Sarah Ravencroft and that didn't do anything... Then again, she was already dead..."

Atticus and Mo then faced the three witch women and started to splash at them. This was for Wendy. Then they saw the diving board bouncing, looking like someone invisible was bouncing on it.

"Who's that?" Atticus wondered.

"Another mermaid?" Mo joked.

Whoever was on the diving board then ended up in the pool, splashing the triplet witches for Atticus and Mo. Atticus and Mo hid in a corner and then turned visible.

"Is anyone else here a mermaid?" Atticus asked.

"Unless..." Mo said, then her eyes widened as she had a possibility. "A ghost." she then face-palmed since she remembered Casper was here and his uncles couldn't be too far away since they looked after him.

"I think it must have been Casper." Atticus said.

"But he's with Wendy." Mo reminded.

They both looked around and saw Wendy close by, hiding.

"That answer your question?" Atticus asked with a smirk.

"Hush..." Mo narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Okay, okay." Mo said. At least Wendy was having fun with her new friend.

"Maybe we should go for a swim." Mo said.

"Well, say goodbye to swimming the way you used to and hello to a whole new world." Atticus smiled.

Mo smiled back, very excited to do so.

"So then, shall we go and find a secret place to swim?" Atticus asked.

"I think I saw a lake out back..." Mo suggested.

With that, they left to go do private swimming with Mo's new identity as a mermaid. While those two spent their private time together, Casper and Wendy spent their time together. Patch sighed as he watched the other couples. Drell had Hilda, Atticus had Mo, Scamp had Angel, Casper seemed to have Wendy... He was starting to miss Colette very much right now.

"You can use your magic to go and bring her here if you want." Drell said, already knowing what the dalmatian was thinking.

"I could do that?" Patch smiled excitedly then.

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