Chapter 16

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A couple of days later, I felt awful. It was something I had never felt before. My stomach was twisting and turning. My head was pounding and the lights hurt my eyes (and my head). I sat up in my bed, but regretted it because my head pulsed so bad it made me dizzy. I fell back into my pillow with a groan.

"You okay Reagan?" Johnny asked concerned.


"Speaking through minds again? Okay. Let me take your temperature." Johnny put a weird, cold, metal stick on my head. It beeped and Johnny removed it. "Wow. 102 degrees. You're sick Reagan." He looked at me with pity.

'I'm sick? I've never been sick before.'

"There's a first time for everything. You'll be staying in Medical for the day. I'll let Simon know you won't be at work." He smiled at that. His smile grew when he said, "I'll be taking care of you today."

'Why can't I go to work?' I asked.

"We don't want the rest of the crew getting sick. Just relax Reagan. You'll be better before you know it.

I sighed. I was supposed to help, not sit around. I thought about sneaking past Johnny, but once I sat up, the sharp pain struck my head again. I fell back, closed my eyes and groaned again.

Everything hurt. Even thinking hurt. My eyes were still closed when Claire came up to me and tried to heal me. When I didn't shoot up, better than ever, she tried again. After multiple tries, she gave up and wondered back to her bed.

About an hour later, everyone left for their jobs. Only me, Claire, and Emilee remained out of the five of us. Claire and Emilee had to stay because of their jobs. Johnny came up to me and offered me a cup of water. I took it gratefully. He told me I needed to stay hydrated. I told him I was hungry. He told Emilee to get me some food.

Emilee returned and gave me a cracker. I ate it, but after telling her I wanted real food. Not crackers. She told me I could have real food once we found out if I could keep the crackers down. I didn't understand what she meant by that. She left and Johnny came up to me.

'How long do I have to be bedridden?' I asked.

"You'll probably be better tomorrow," he said. "The fever doesn't last long." I nodded, happy I wouldn't have to be in pain for too long. "So Reagan, tell me about yourself," Johnny said, sitting down on the end of my bed.

"There's not a lot to know," I said out loud. "What all do you want to know?"

"How old are you?"


"Okay. I'm 20. Where are you from?"

"Loveland, CO. I don't know what the 'C' and the 'O' mean."

"Colorado, that's what it means. I'm from Jacksonville, Florida. What's your favorite color?"

"You can have a favorite color?"

"Yeah. Mine's green."

"Umm... blue?"

"You say that like its a question." He smirked and asked me what I did as a pastime at the Compound.

I told him I didn't have one. There was nothing to do but stare at the walls. His favorite pastime is reading. He finds it relaxing.

We talked for hours. I learned a lot about Johnny that day. He only had to attend Medical School for two years to become a doctor because he knew most the things. He graduated high school (which he had to explain to me) at age 15. He had great relationship with his parents growing up. He was also apparently the Chief Medical Officer of the Galaxy.

When everyone got back from their jobs and had dinner, Johnny dismissed himself to write Ryan a report about the day in Medical. It was something he had to do.

As Johnny walked away, he thought about how he got to spend the day getting to know me. He was happy to have done so.

An hour later, Johnny told us to retire to bed. Before he left himself, Johnny gave me a quick kiss in the cheek and left with joy in his steps.

And I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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