Chapter 2 : Your still the same dreamer from Mullingar

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Chapter 2 : Your still the same dreamer from Mullingar

~Niall's POV~

Today we are meeting up with Ellie to start our year long tour. When I see her I hope all the boys don't fall in love with her because they wouldn't treat her how she deserves . Like a princess . I have listened to her music and it is amazing When we were little we use to sit with our crayons and colouring in sheets in class , all of us would colour in except Ellie who would turn her paper over to the blank side and write songs . The teachers would call her weird , but it was called having a dream .

When we were in our teen years all the girls would wear ; short skirts, straighten there hair like barbie's,  bright coloured lipstick, tons of makeup, tops that showed their cleavige and 3 inch heels . Ellie would wear ; jeans, no makeup, Band shirts , vans and a messy bun on her head. All the boys would call her ' the freak show' but i'd call her 'my unique princess' . I haven't seen her since we were 16 but I hope nothing has changed. 

Paul is dropping us to were we are meeting Ellie , the car journey is getting on my nerves already and we've been in the car 3 minutes . Louis has had a can of red bull before we got in the car and liam was stupid enough to say he doesn't have wings , so he has been spending 30 minutes ranting on at the fact he 'has wings' and he has me impressed. 

*at meeting point* 

louis has calmed down now we are here , we are all looking forward to touring with her. Next thing we see is a lime green ferrari enzo pull up and a head of blonde hair stick out the door . Walking infront of us was a girl in a black rolling stones shirt (same as harry's) , black skinny jeans , curled hair and Black Doc Martins ; Ellie Goulding has arrived . 

" Loving the ride Ellie " Harry greeted Ellie , I was hoping she'd say that it was a friends but .. "Yeah , she's a beauty I have 3 more  at home , I'd have more but gotta keep room for the jet ski's " she said like it was nothing . The boys and I stood with our mouths open , we knew she was sucessful but not this massively . 

*skipping car ride* 

"So this is the tour bus your staying in ??" Ellie asked , we were all nervous , will she be all snoby on us ? "UNLUCKY!!" Harry seemed upset because he thought she was a fun girl "You don't have an X-box or Games in here and I do" nope not changed . "What games do you have ?" Zayn asked in amazement "Black ops, Black ops 2 , Fifa 14, GTA 5 and Black ops Ghosts " She stated proudly "How do you have Black ops Ghosts it's not out yet " Harry stated thinking he had won " Deh , I and a couple friends Invented the game , don't you think i'd have a copy??" She said in a 'obviously' voice . Harry and all the boys stood in amazement , while she skipped of to her trailer . 

We all ran to her tour bus and opened the door . When we got inside it was like heaven on a bus , there was ; X-box , Pool table (Nailed into ground) and Wii in one section . Then you go into the kitchen where there is a huge fridge we opened it to find ; starbucks , beer , cake , nandos etc. We went to her room to find her sitting on her bed , but hers was a bed not like our pull out ones . She had a desk , wardrobe and bed . 

Then we walk through a door where we find a huge music room . There was Voice recording equiptment , Standing microphones and more Voice equiptment . In the corner was her song writing area where it had her mac book pro , music book , paper and sharpened pencils in a pot . On the other side of the room was where she kept her instruments there was ; accoustic guitar, electric quitar, violin, trumpet and a beautiful black piano . 

There was a last section where she must sit and listen to music , there is a imac there her and there is a shelf above the table with every colour of beats made. 

She's still the same dreamer from Mullingar

What We Once Was * Niall Horan + Ellie Goulding Fan-Fic*Where stories live. Discover now