Chapter eighteen: It's believable.

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"The best revenge is massive success. – Frank Sinatra. "

Chapter eighteen:


November 4th, 2013. - Tuesday.

"Are you ready?"

"I'm ready." I said taking a deep breath.

Princeton locked his fingers in between mine pulling me towards the doctors office. I placed my free hand on my stomach eager to find out if we were having a boy or a girl.

Princeton smiled at me, squeezing my hand. I gave him a nervous smile squeezing his hand harder.

Princeton held open the door for me, knowing Princeton's mom is my doctor makes me even more nervous.

"It'll be fine." Princeton said, signing my name on the sheet.

My hands were shaking uncontrollably.

"What if she hates me?"

"My mom won't hate you." Princeton said pulling me down in the chair next to him.

I sat next to Princeton biting my lip and fiddling with my fingers.

"You know, I've always wanted a relationship like Edward and Bella." I said voicing my thoughts.

"Minus the vampire part though right?"

"No, vampire part included, they are amazing in bed. Sex skills are beyond this world." I said laughing. Princeton looked at me before breaking out into a full laugh.

"I have amazing sex skills." Princeton said wagging his eyebrows at me.

"Clearly." I said motioning towards my four month belly.

"I can't believe I'm four months today." I said sighing.

"It's going by so fast. Before we know it they'll be here."

"I know, I'll have a little girl or a little boy." Princeton said smiling looking at his fingers.

"Thank you for being here with me today."

"I wouldn't miss it." Princeton said grinning at me.

"Ms. Taylor?"

I nodded my head getting up and following the nurse behind the doors, Princeton placed his hands on my shoulders reassuring me.

"Doctor Tribbiani will be in a few." I watched the nurse give Princeton a look before she walked out of the room.

I sighed leaning back on the hard bed.

Princeton and I sat in silence, Princeton's hand rubbing circles on mine.

There was a knock on the door before doctor Tribbiani entered.

"A'Miyah lovely to see you-" Tribbiani stopped dead in her sentence looking at Princeton.

"Oh dear god." Princeton's mom said.

"Mom, remember how I told you I may have or may have not gotten a girl pregnant? Well I did, this is A'Miyah." Princeton said.

I swear my heart was going to fall out of my ass.

Princeton's mom fanned herself with my file before sitting down in the chair.

"Oh my my my, I was hoping it was a lie, I didn't expect A'Miyah to be the one carrying your child."

This was obviously a family conversation only..

"If you want, I can leave." I said sitting up from the bed.

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