4. No Boyfriend

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Chapter 4. No Boyfriend

Eventually, I did manage to get something out of Ashley. Apparently, she loves to play any string instrument. She's really into music, even though she listens to shitty pop music. 

" How about family?" I ask her.

" Well, my family is all the way back in America," She says.

" Where in America?"

" Indiana. Where from Ireland are you?"

" Mullingar,"

Being famous, I picked up on some flirting techniques. I just hope it's working for Ashley...

" Sorry, but I think I must be going. Melissa wants me to go with her shopping," Ashley says sadly.

" It's fine. I should be going as well," I tell her. She smiles at me before heading out. I pay for our food and leave a good tip for the waitor, even though they made me feel awkward.

The restaurant is quite close to my house, so it doesn't take me long to get there walking. My mom's car isn't there, so I'm assuming she's out. Where the hell would my mom go anyways?

I sit down infront of the TV, changing the channel every second. Finally, I settle down with The Inbetweeners. 

What a great life this is...


" And keep your room clean at all times, do you hear me Niall Horan?"

" Yes mum,"

" Don't open the door for strangers, do you hear me Niall Horan?"

" Yes mum,"

" Last of all, don't eat all the food, do you hear me Niall Horan?"

" Yes mum, I hear you." I roll my eyes at her.

" Good then. And remember, you have to go visit your grandparents next week. If they tell me you didn't come, you're in serious trouble, Niall Horan." My mum says sternly.

" What's up with you and saying my full name?"

" I like your name. Now, I must get going sweety. Take good care," My mum finishes.

" Take care too." I tell her, planting a kiss on her cheek. She smiles, grabs her bag and leaves the house.

My mum just left for a 1 month vacation. At her job being a car sales person, they had a contest in which worker could get more sales. My mum worked her butt off, and in the end, she won. Of course, she can't take me. It's a two people vacation, and she took her best friend, Claire instead, leaving me alone for a whole entire month.

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