Aproaching Storm

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~Chapter 3
-The Doctor's POV


The hug is crushing, and I soon realise I may be squeezing Rose so much she may not me able to breathe. I hold her head against me, taking in just...her, alive, and still with me. Her scent is muffled my the smell of sea water and blood, but she's here. She's here.
"I thought you were gone" I say, my voice cracking as I try to hold back any more tears.
"I was dead, Doctor" she says.
"I know, I know" I breathe against her, trying to steady my breathing. Not quite believing we both survived that, I pull back and find her face wet with tears and her eyes puffy and very red, much like my own. I place my hand on her cheek and put my forehead to hers "Never, do that to me again" I say.
"That's a deal...." She trails off, and I pull back, my hands falling to between our laps "I-I'm so sorry" she says.
"It's not your fault... I'm sorry" I say, and shake my head and wipe away more tears.
"I made us go on that holiday, It's my fault" Rose says.
"No. I agreed to go anyway. But we never, ever knew that was going to happen."
"But all the people Doctor, they died" Rose says, her gaze drifting out to sea.
"There was nothing I could do" I say guiltily, feeling awful.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that....don't feel like it's your fault, 'cause it's not" she says. I nod at her and close my eyes, taking in a deep breath. "Thank you, for saving my life" she says, and wipes away my tears.
"Any day" I say truthfully. Rose looks around us.
"How are we gonna survive here, Doctor? Do you think people will come?"
"They will, but it'll take them at least a few days to find us." I say. Rose takes a shaky breath, her eyes still puffy. I get up, urgent to get to know our current surroundings. I hold out my hands and help Rose up.  "So we're on some sort of island, looks abandoned, and there's...what's that there?" I look into the distance at some sort of cave, but then there is a sudden strong grip on my arm. I look down to find Rose looking extremely pale, and shaking.
"Doctor, I think I'm gonna-" but then she's gone, and collapsing into my arms.
"Woah, woah" I say, catching her almost instantly. I frantically check her pulse, and it comes back fine. But that doesn't mean I'm not worried. I gather Rose up in my arms, despite being weak myself, and start to walk to the cave that isn't too much of a walk from here.


When I'm halfway to the cave the sky has turned dark and I feel rain begun to patter on my face. Come on, come on. I think to myself, holding Rose tight in my weak arms. I hear a large clap of thunder from the distance, and I know that storm isn't too far away. But finally, I reach the cave. It's quite dark, but with enough natural light to see around. It's very small too, with enough space to stay sheltered and to sleep, but not the size you think if when someone says the words "cave". But on the plus side, the stone ground is quite flat, so sleeping shouldn't be too bad. Heaving the weight off my body, I gently lay Rose down on the stone ground, sheltered from the rain which is now pouring very heavily. I check Rose over again, and listen fur a pulse, which thank God, is still there. Suddenly her eyes begin to move, and I breathe a sigh of relief. I was not about to loose her again. Her eyelids flutter open and I smile down at her, kneeling right beside her.
"Hey" she says, and sits up. I place a steady hand on her shoulder, and she grabs my arm for support.
"Hi" I say "What was that back there?"
"I dunno...I guess it was after having to hold my breath for so long, my body wasn't ready to stand" she says. Sensing my next words, she cuts me off before I even have the chance to speak "Don't say it, it's not your fault"
"Whatever you say" I smile. She smiles weakly, and then grips my arm tighter.
"Doctor...I don't feel so good" she says. Concern washes over me and I know immediately what she means. I help her up, placing a firm arm around her shoulders, and quickly take her to the edge of the cave. She suddenly hunches over, and tips out most of the content of whatever was in her stomach, along with a dark strand of sea weed. I rub her back and she finishes, finally standing back up.
"You're not looking great" I say.
"That makes me feel much better" she nods. I mentally slap myself, and remind myself to be careful with what I say next time.
"I didn't mean..."
"Yeah, I know. It's okay" she takes a deep breath, and I know she needs a bit of time to recover. "I've not been sick like that since..." She starts, but her face immediately goes blank.
"Nothing" she says immediately! and changes the subject "but I reckon we should start a fire, then look for food" she says. I make a mental note to question her further on whatever she was going to say later.
"I'll go, but I need you to stay here, you need to rest"
"Stay" I say firmly. She nods, and takes a seat down the cave. I leave the cave and go to collect some wood for a fire, and hope it's not for too damp from the storm.

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