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Tiny little chapter. I know things may seem over and you all hate me for killing the Doctor, and believe me I hate myself for it, but something else is still yet to happen...

Ella :))

-Justin's POV

I hadn't realised how much they meant to each other. The way she used to hug him, the way he used to cast he sidelong glances and give her that knowing smile, and all those times I caught them lying with each other, or with their foreheads pressed together with closed eyes. It all starts to make sense.

Rose's sobs flow silently now, and watching her resting her head on his chest, willing him with all her heart to come back. Maybe it's best we leave now, I think to myself,  before anything else happens.
"Rose. We've got to go" I say. She doesn't move, and she holds onto him tightly. Albany comes up behind me and holds onto my arm , tears staining her cheeks.
"Why?" Albany asks.
"If we don't leave now we may never leave. We've got to go" I say. Rose looks up at me, her eyes bright red and brimming with tears. I walk over to her and kneel down, peeling her away from him and into my arms.
"It's gonna be okay." I tell her, and for once look at her with true understanding rather than the worthless glances I'd been shooting her for the last month.
"It'll never be okay" she sobs, and hold me tighter. Albany stays rooted to the spot, her eyes brimmed fill with tears, and sniffs before wiping her cheek with the back of her hand. I motion for her to come over. She obliges, and walks towards me. Her footsteps are silent, and her embrace is light. But I tug her in towards us, and we all just huddle there for a moment, and keep each other stable through the storm.
"We've got to leave" I say after a while, and Rose looks back at the Doctor and chokes out a strangled sob.
"I can't leave him"
"Rose, look at me" I say, and take her shoulders "I don't think I'll ever be able to tell you how sorry I am that this happened, but leaving now...It's for the best" I say. She holds my gaze, but her eyes drift away as if my words are meaningless. "It's what he would've wanted"
She looks up at me then, and takes breath to try and steady her breathing. "He...he won't want to be buried" her voice comes out broken and higher than usual.
"As soon as we're home, we can send people to the island to pick up his body" I say her. She nods as a few tears fall.
"I want to say goodbye" Albany says. She stands up, shaking a little, and goes to stand in front of the Doctor. "I hope I'll see you again, in Heaven. I'll miss you, and thank you for the bandages." She pauses a second, before kneeling down, and gently closing his eyes "Goodbye" she says softly. A wave of sympathy passes through me and I feel my eyes watering, but don't let the tears fall. If someone has to remain strong it's me.
"Right. We're leaving"


So they left. The three of them placed the Doctors body in the forest under the big tree, sheltered from the rain and a place where they hoped he wouldn't mind being put to be at rest. Rose's tears didn't stop, and Justin wondered wether her body would run out of fluid by that time they got home. And was he to know where home was anyway? He knew there best bet was to just sail and hope for land, even if it took them days...weeks...months? They would find home, wherever it was.

They gathered up some coconuts and mangos, and tied them with vines to the side of the raft in hope they wouldn't fall off. They would have to fish out at sea, or hope to catch something, because they couldn't survive just like this.

But no matter what, the three of them knew they would make it...even if Rose knew she would never make it back to that little blue box she called home.

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