A Little Suspicion

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Hello shipmates,
*gasps* "Did she really just update?!"
I'd just like to apologise for the weeks that have gone by. I've been away all summer and there was no wifi to post when I was on holiday. However, I'm now back in the fandom and catching up. So no worries, I have six new chapters solidly on this fanfic to come along for you - enjoy!
This one's for you, all of you, who have been waiting :) Sorry for the shortness of this one, there's more coming.
Ella :))


~Chapter 7
-The Doctor's POV


Justin sits there gob-smacked and barely moving. He's paled, and is just staring at Rose's palm. I'd completely forgotten he was still sitting there. Everyone else seems to disappear in those sort of situations - especially when concerning Rose. There's only one option.
"Justin, come here" I say. He swallows and moves over to me with a reluctant expression upon his face. I try to ignore Rose's stern expression cutting into me like daggers from behind. I take the chance as he gets close, and place both my hands on the side of his temples and he collapses against me.
"What did you do?" Rose asks, moving over quickly.
"Made him forget what just happened, simple memory loss. Does the trick" I say, sitting back and carefully laying Justin on the floor beside us.
"Is that so he doesn't have a major freak out when you tell him you're an alien?"
"Precisely" I nod, turning round to face her. "Also the fact that he just saw light from my hands heal your wound. Bit much for a first introduction"
"But what will he think when he wakes up?"
"I've left him with the memory of meeting us, eating mango, then falling asleep."
"Right" Rose says, her eyes flying back on Justin's resting face.
"Any better?" I ask, and go to reach for hand but she crosses her arms.
"Much" She says "But that doesn't mean I forgive you"
"Fine" I say with a nod. I look at Justin and back at Rose who is now staring at him intently. I swallow hard and look back outside.
"Seriously though, don't do that again." She says sternly.
"Okay" my voice comes out flatter than I'd expected.
"I mean it. Don't want you dying on me"
"You sound just like your mother" I say. Rose smiles, but her face drops again.
"Rose, I'm sorry." I say, suddenly realising my mistake "I shouldn't have mentioned her"
"S'fine. I'm just...worried that's all"
I nod, and look back outside, unknowing of how to comfort her. "Storms nearly passed"
"Yeah" she says, hugging her knees. Just at that Justin's eyes flutter open.
"How long have I been asleep?" He asks, sitting up and rubbing his head.
"About half and hour" I lie "you must be exhausted"
"And yourself" he nods at both of us. We all sit just staring for a moment before I decide the situation has become too awkward. "I'm going to find some more food. I'll be back later."
"Okay" Justin says. I look at Rose questioningly but she just nods.
"See you then" she says, I can't help but notice there's a faint flicker of vulnerability in her eyes, but it's gone before I can even question it.

-Rose's POV

"So what's your story?" Justin asks me just as the Doctor has left, propping himself back on his elbows. I feel lost without The Doctor's presence, and more pressured to answer direct questions and ask them in the potential gaps of silence.
"I'm sorry?" I ask.
"Your story - like, where are you from?"
"It's pretty boring, I'm just from London" I shrug.
"And what do you do?" Justin asks. I search his brain looking for something suitable to describe myself as.
"With him?" Justin nods to the Doctor as he walks away down the beach.
"How long have you been travelling?" Justin asks.
"Just over 3 years now" I say. "It's been good"
"Where have you been?" His inquisitive nature is a bit unnerving.
"Oh, um..all over really" I smile, trying my best to lie.
"And are you two..?" His voice wavers as he searches for the words.
"Together?" He asks, doing a strange "together" gesture, joining his hands.
"Um. Not really, no" I say. Suddenly I feel very awkward. I've been asked that question many times before, often people presuming we are a couple, but this seems oddly different.
"Oh okay" Justin says with a small smile, and then pauses "Sorry - if that was a bit forward"
"S'fine" I say "Anyway, that's enough about me. What about you?" I change the subject before he can latch onto it any further. What me and the Doctor are to each other is something even I can't describe.
"I'm from America. I work part time as a life guard and...often sing in bars" he says the last part with a little embarrassment.
"Wow, sounds busy' I say, looking outside the cave. I try to block out the mention of music "Explains why you can swim"
"It certainly saved my life, that's for sure" he says. "Do you sing?"
His question cuts through me like a knife. "I-I used to. But not any more" I swallow hard and hug my knees tighter. Justin nods, getting the message I don't want to talk about it.
"Can I show you something?" He asks. I nod. Justin points outside the cave.
"Just down there, behind those trees is a lagoon. Can I show you?"
"How come you know that?" My voice doesn't conceal my suspicion.
"I had time to explore yesterday. Come on" Justin takes my hand and helps me down the rocks.
"Are you sure we shouldn't wait for the Doctor?" I ask warily. Justin looks over his shoulder.
"The guy seems capable of looking after himself for a few minutes"
I hesitate for a bit, but after all he is right. The doctor can fend for himself. I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding and let Justin lead me out the cave.

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