The Ending

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Officially the final chapter! Hope you enjoyed this book and it's cheesy ending, I do love a bit of cheese. New book coming soon, along with updates on "Roses Choice" , so keep posted! Thanks for everyone who's read, voted, and commented on this story, it means so much to me and I'm sad to see it go!
Ella :))

-Chapter 31
-The Doctor's POV (I owe this to you all)

"Albany?! Where did you out my screwdriver?!" I call out from under the console. I hear a small yapping of feet approach my side.
"Which one?"
"The sonic one" I pull myself out from the console to look up at her. She's been with us two months now, it was a bumpy road, and it was difficult, but she's here.
"Oh" she smiles, and takes the device from her top pocket, handing it over to me.
"Thank you" I say with a smile, and pull myself back under the console.
"S'okay" she says, and totters back along the grating and I hear her footsteps sound down the corridor. It's very comforting for sure, to have someone else aboard the TARDIS especially a child because I've noted that they have lots of energy, so when Rose is sleeping I've got a lot of company. I smile to myself, finish off the job, then re-emerge into the open space. I stand up, wipe the back of my hands on my trousers, then look up. I nearly jump a mile when I see Rose sitting on the jump seat, her arms folded over her chest and a slight tear in her eye. I take a deep breath for a second, and then notice the tear role gently down her face.
"What is it?" I ask, standing up and walking over. She shakes her head, and looks away, before turning back to look at me. "Rose?"
"Thought you said we weren't compatible?" Her words echo against the walls. I'm still processing what she's said through my brain, and I'm trying to figure out what she means. The silence that drags out for a few minutes is almost unbearable.
"We're not" I say. When she doesn't reply, I feel the urge to carry on "You know we're not. It's fact, Rose. Pen on paper, a print in a page, the book say so-"
"Well damn the wretched books!" Rose shouts, and wipes a fallen tear.
"Rose, we talked about this before" I say quietly "I thought we agreed that Albany was all we could ever have"  Why would she be so upset?...we've had this conversation before...but... "Wait, Rose...are you saying?"
"Yes." She says a little more quietly this time, and avoids my eyes completely.
"But we...we..."
"We didn't use protection did we, because you-we thought, that we weren't compatible" she wipes another year and looks away for a second before finally finding my eyes.
"But you're..."
"How can you be sure..."
"Five tests"
"Well that's incredible!" I say with surprise and happiness rushing through me. She stops for a second before looking up at me, her face a mixture of disbelief and shock.
"Of course it is! We thought...well it's not supposed to be biologically possible...but oh, Rose!" I exclaim, and wrap her in a giant hug, pick her up, and spin her round. She begins to cry with such a mixture of emotion against me. I hold her for a few seconds before pulling back and pressing my lips to hers. She responds immediately, but soon pulls back for breath. We just hold each other in a giant hug for a very long time, before I pull back.
"I thought you'd hate it" she says with a small smile.
"Of course not!" I'm aware I'm grinning like a maniac so try to control my emotions "Wait, do you hate it?"
"No...but I'm scared"
"That's perfectly normal" I say, and push a hair back form her face "But you're strong enough for this"
"I'm sure" I smile, and she smiles back at me. I know at that precise moment, Rose Tyler is going to be an incredible mother, and I'll try my hardest to be a father, and God only knows what complications there could be, but we'll get through it.
"Oh God" she suddenly pales. I look at with concern.
"What the hell will mum say?!"


"What?! You two?! A...A baby?!" Jackie Tyler exclaims, choking on her luke-warm tea and practically drops the mug.
" was a bit of a surprise" Rose says, and squeezes my hand.
"Isn't it wonderful?" Albany smiles.
"Well, wha-oh my god!" Jackie wraps Rose in a giant hug and begins to cry against her shoulder. I decide then, that there's not many times you will ever see Jackie Tyler cry, and there's only about a one in a million chance this miracle could  even happen, so even though we lost each other so many times, we got stranded on a desert island, we fought monsters and aliens and forbidden planets, this is going to be our biggest challenge: Raising an adopted child who's lost her own family, and raising a child of our own...and perhaps more to come.
Rose looks over Jackie's shoulder to me, tears brimming in her eyes. I find myself crying, but I wipe back the tears and smile as Albany walks over.
"It's okay, Doctor. You're going to be a great Dad"


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