Seemingly Okay

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Hi shipmates,

So sorry I've been updating really un-frequently recently! My school play is on Thursday so I've been trying to learn lines for that, and also because my GCSE's aren't tat far away there's so much homework and revision to be doing. But recently the reason has been that I have been majorly preparing for an audition for my theatre company's production of HAIRSPRAY! If you don't know it - watch it! It's amazing :D So yesterday night I found out I'm playing Tracy Turnblad so I'm literally sooooo happy! I can't sleep or concentrate so sorry if this chapter is really bad or my updates are less frequent, but I'll try my best!

Ella :))

~Chapter 27
-The Doctor's POV

Albany pulls back, wipes away a tear, and turns to look behind me "Hi Rose"
"Hey" She says softly, and kneels down just as Albany moves towards her. I smile as they hold each other, and how Rose holds her preheats like a mother may hold her child, especially if they've been apart for a long while. Eventually they part, and Albany  has a small smile tugging at her lips.
"Wanna see my room?" She asks. Me and Rose nod.
"I'd love to" I say, and we let her lead us through the old wooden door. Inside looks more pleasant than the rest if the building, but it's definitely no warmer. The walls are a faint purple, as if the colour was once stronger but has faded in the sun, and the feeling is unusually high, making anyone who stands in the room feel smaller than they really are. There's a chest of drawers, a little wooden dollhouse, a desk, a pile of three well-used board games, a small bed with a little nightstand and a yellow lamp. One wall has three posters on, and the desk has cardboard boxes stacked on top of it. I scan the room once more and spot the teddy bear claiming the centre of the little bed, and my heart aches for Albany, knowing that teddy is probably the only friend she has. On the nightstand is a frame with a picture of Albany with a younger boy only a little older than herself, and a man and woman beside them. They must be her brother and her parents, I think to myself. I swallow and shove my hands in my pockets, feeling overly sorry for the little girl who has lost everything she's ever known, and only to end up in a cold old building like this, with a load of strangers. She gives us a little tour around the room, indicating to the boxes and telling us about how they moved most of her belongings here, some on the desk and some under the bed and in the chest of drawers.
"Haven't you unpacked yet?" Rose asks, looking round the room again.
"No. I asked Mrs Henley to help, and she said yes. But she forgot because she was too busy with the babies"
"Then I'll help you right now. It'll be done in no time"
"Really?" Albany smiles. Rose nods.
"Of course"


Later that evening I can't find Rose anywhere. We'd helped Albany unpack and were then ushered away from the house by Mrs Henley, claiming our time was up. And I did notice Rose's usual quiet nature when we'd returned to the TARDIS, and she said she'd gone for a wash but never come back. It's been two hours since she left the console room and I decide to go looking for her. I pull myself out from under the console, and place the grating back over the top, before leaving the room. The corridors are empty, and I don't hear any noise coming from anywhere nearby.
"Rose?" I call, and head down the hallway to the library. I poke my head in, but I know she's not in there by the fact all the lights are of, and the fire has gone out. I close the door and carry on down the corridor until I reach the cosy room. I gently open the door and see a blanket left on the side of the sofa, the mini lamps left on, and the TV on standby, as if she'd been in here recently and left. I sigh and leave the room, and know the only other place she may be is her room. With a soft knock, I tap on her door and wait for a reply.
"In here" her voice sounds through the door, and I sigh in a small relief before opening the door. Rose is led on the bed facing the feeling, her blonde hair fanned around her face in the pillow.
"You okay?" I ask, and shut the door behind me, coming to sit beside her in the bed.
"I've just been thinking"
"About what?"
"Albany she says quietly.
"Yeah? What about her?"
"It's not a great place, is it?" Rose scratches her head then clasps her hands over her front.
"I guess not, but she seems okay" I say gently, and move closer to her on the bed, stroking her hair gently.
"Maybe we should...I don't know..." She trails off, then her eyes find mine.
"What?" I ask softly. She shakes her head.
"Nothing. I'm tired now though, so I'm gonna sleep. That okay?" She says. I nod.
"Of course, take all the time you need" I plant a soft kiss on her lips then get up to leave.
"Wait, Doctor? Is it okay if I sleep in with you tonight?"
"Of course"

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