Hi, pls comment, 40+???
Fun fact: I hate marshmallows and Rita hates me for it
Also, check out my new Ruke book "roadie" looks like we're all Ruke trash :)))
Luke had to take Cory to school earlier than the other kids because he had to be at work before the parents got there, so Cory went into a club, the one that took care of him after school too.
So it was difficult to get Cory to co-operate in the mornings and to leave by half past eight. But they managed it. They sat in the car on the way to school, when Cory spoke up, "daddy?"
"When is uncle Mikey's wedding?" He asked.
"Two weeks bud."
"Will Calum be there?" Cory questioned. "Claire too?"
"Yes, everyone will be there," Luke told him.
They got to Cory's school, Luke walking him up to the front entrance and signing him into the school club before hugging him tightly. "Be good." Luke smiled, "I'll get you at four okay?"
Cory nodded, "love you, daddy."
"I love you too," Luke responded and Cory smiled before walking into the school with his bag on his back and his little blink hoody and he sighed, Cory was growing up so quickly.
Luke went back to his car and got in before driving off to work, he already missed Cory.
He arrived at the school, seeing parents already waiting outside. He went inside and got to his classroom, which was number four, as the private day care it wasn't that big in room numbers but room sizes it was quite big, as well as one floor and the playground connected to each of the classrooms, large glass windows looking out at the playground so the teachers could keep an eye on the kids.
Luke sorted out the paints and pencils crayons and paper and aprons before he unlocked his classroom door and kids started to pile in. Luke smiled at them, saying good morning.
"Lukey?" Luke looked down to see small Sophia tugging at his jeans. "Can you help me take my coat off?" She asked.
Luke kneeled down and helped her take off her coat, and her bag too. "Go put them away yeah sweetie?"
Sophia nodded before hugging Luke tightly around his neck, then running away to put her coat and bag away on her labelled hook and box for her bag.
Once everyone had taken their seat at their table, they could sit where they liked. Since Luke had been in charge of his own class, he changed a lot of things so the kids were laid back and got to have more fun.
"Morning everyone!" Luke grinned, everyone chorusing his words back to him. "So this morning were just gonna do some painting and colouring so you can show them off to your parents when you go home."
Luke spent his day painting with the kids, until his assistant, who was late, came in. Liv had joined him two years ago when he needed help with a few kids who constantly fought.
He finished at a quarter to four, saying goodbye to Liv, before going to pick up Cory.
Once Luke had his son, they went home and Luke helped Cory with his homework, which was just some simple maths to help him get better at it. Then after he'd done, Cory went off to his room so Luke changed his clothes to some sweatpants and lay on the sofa, turning on How I Met Your Mother.
Luke was tired and he wanted to nap before he had to make dinner but he didn't have time before Cory came back downstairs and sat on the floor in front of Luke, a box in his hands.
"What's this?" Luke asked softly, Cory opened the lid of the box and throwing it behind him.
"Mikey made me a memory box when I turned six, he told me not to show you it." Cory giggled, and Luke furrowed his brows as Cory pulled out photos and small toys and other stuff.
Then he pulled out a photograph and turned it around to Luke, "who's that?"
Luke sighed, taking the photograph and seeing it was Reece and him, with Cory as a few months old on his lap.
"Why did he give you this?" Luke questioned.
Cory shrugged, "I don't know. Who is he? You look happy."
"It's no one, don't worry. He left a long time ago." Luke smiled softly.
Cory nodded before he picked up a hospital bracelet, with his name on it, the one he wore when he was born. He stood up and climbed on top of his dad, the bracelet in his fist before he smuggled into Luke, the blond's hands going around Cory's body.
"I love you," Cory mumbled, his eyes on the photograph before he put his chin on Luke's chest and pouted.
"I love you too buddy," Luke smiled down at him, running his hand through Cory's hair. "I'll give you an ice cream later yeah?"
Cory nodded, "thank you."
Cory does not know Reece, he was never talked about or mentioned at all, Luke tried to hide the fact he existed
Luke's job? He's so cute with kids I cry
With Cory? Cory's memory box?
The photo of Luke, Reece, and Cory?
Predictions for this story? Thoughts on the chapter? What's gonna happen??

Nature ⇝ Luke Hemmings [2] ✓