Hi pls keep commenting through out ily
the GTB music video was so cheesy but Luke was looking in to my damn soul omfg
It was a family outing to the clinic, the six of them sat in the chairs in the waiting room. Cory was playing with the toys in the corner, Declan was sat with him, helping him with putting the shapes in the right slots.
Reece's name was called, making the two men stand up. Reece put his hand on Vicky's head, "baby, you're in charge okay?" He said, Vicky nodding. "Don't let Cory run off."
Cory glared at Reece, "I'm a big boy, I can look after myself."
Reece laughed, "sure."
Luke looked at Reece then, "are we going?" He asked.
Reece nodded and the two of them walked down the corridor to meet their doctor who would be helping them through the entire pregnancy, as well as delivering the baby at the end of the nine months.
They got to the room and Luke knocked, waiting for the doctor to say they could come in. When she called them in, Luke opened the door and held it open for Reece before they sat down across from their doctor who was a short looking red head, with dark red lipstick.
She stuck her hand out to Reece, "I'm Doctor Taylor's, but you can call me Fran." She said, shaking Reece's hand and then Luke. "So we're going to do your Dating scan today and tell you when she or he is expected." She said before she gestured to the bed, "Reece can you lie on there and lift your shirt."
Reece nodded and stood up, Fran following him to the bed. Luke stood awkwardly waiting as Reece lay down and lifted his shirt. Fran got the machine ready, setting it up as she pulled a chair to sit down.
Luke stood a few feet away from the bed, watching as Fran told Reece the gel would be cold. He flinched when the gel went on to his stomach and then he looked go Luke, "please come closer." Reece begged softly.
Luke sighed and stepped closer to the bed, feeling Reece's hand entwine with his. Reece wanted some support with this because he felt so alone in the pregnancy even though he'd been staying with Luke for five days now. He felt like Luke didn't care about him, when he knew he didn't care about Reece directly but he felt like Luke didn't care about his wellbeing but only the baby's.
Reece watched as Fran put the probe on to his stomach and then watched her face as she looked at the screen to determine her face. "So you're about eight weeks now." She said, "this baby will be a cutie." She added.
"It's a dot how can you tell?" Luke asked, his grip lose on Reece's hand, the brunettes tight.
"Well I've got two attractive fathers here, so of course it will." Fran chuckled, she could sense the two weren't together simply because other couples who were expecting came in holding hands and smiling where as Luke had barely even lifted muscle in his face.
Reece laughed at her words, and squeezed Luke's hands, glancing up at the blond to see Luke was staring at the screen that wasn't even turned to him yet.
"Would you like to see it?" She asked, "I can make out some parts."
"Yes please." Reece said and after Fran paused the screen she turned it around.
She pointed to a shape, "this is it." She said, "it's about a centre meter and a half big, right now, so you can't see much." She said. She then pointed over to Reece's stomach, "he or she likes that side a lot, so when you're bigger try and stay on your back." She smiled.

Nature ⇝ Luke Hemmings [2] ✓