3 more chapters left!!! 50+ comments everyone love you
Luke and the kids walked through the hospital corridor, a few hours after the birth. As soon as the kids had finished school and been picked up by Michael, they'd wanted to come see the new babies as soon as possible. So Luke had left Reece and the babies, after a lot of reassurance, and gone and picked up the kids.
Luke carried Cory in his arms, "I remember when it was you being born, I was nearly late." Luke said, shifting Cory on his lap.
Cory looked at his dad, gripping Luke's shirt, "why were you late?"
Luke chuckled, "I was sleeping, don't have me as your role model." He joked, squeezing him.
They got to the maternity ward, the kids following Luke as they went to Reece's room. Luke put Cory down on the floor and opened the door. Reece, his parents and Char and her wife were in the room already, Reece holding tiny Sam and Luke's mother holding Scott.
Cory gasped and ran up to the bed, his hands gripping the blanket as he stared up at Reece and the baby, "can I see?" He asked softly, with his eyes wide and doe eyed.
Reece smiled, "sit on the bed, don't be rough." He said, Luke walking over and helping Cory on to the bed.
Cory sat right in front of Reece with his small legs creased, he took off his shoes and threw them on the floor before he looked at the baby, "what's his name?" Cory asked.
Reece smiled, "Sam, or Sammy."
Cory reached his hand forward and touched the sleeping babies cheek. "He's so soft." Cory giggled. "Is he named after Sam Winchester?"
Reece laughed, "your dad said you liked that show, and I liked the name. So yeah, he is I guess."
"Can I hold him?" Cory asked.
Reece nodded, "hold him by his bum and his head, okay? Be careful."
A few feet away, Luke watched as Cory took Sam in to his arms and he smiled so brightly when holding his little brother. Luke looked at his mum, "can I take him?" He asked, motioning to Scott.
Liz nodded, handing Scott over to Luke and the blond grinned, "hey baby." Luke cooed, Scott being wide awake.
Luke then walked towards the bed, the other kids sitting on it and Luke sat down beside Reece. "Cory, these are your little brothers, Scott and Sam Hemmings."
Cory looked up at his dad, "is there gonna be more?"
The adults behind them laughed, Liz smiling, "so many babies." She mumbled.
Luke looked down at Reece and bit his lip, "maybe, in the future, a few years."
Cory grinned before looking down at Sam, "he's heavy, can you take him off of me?" He complained making everyone laugh. Reece took Sam back and lay him against his chest, letting him sleep peacefully.
Char walked over to the bed, looking down at her brother and his boyfriend, "now all you've gotta do is pop the question." She joked, looking at Luke, though she was slightly serious, hoping one day Luke would propose and make Reece his husband, because well, they had six kids together already, so why not?
Reece instantly blushed at his sisters words and looked down at Sam. Luke had blushed too but he looked at Reece and grinned, then he looked down at Scott who started to wriggle. "I think he needs some food." Luke then said, looking at Reece who leaning against Luke to look at their son.

Nature ⇝ Luke Hemmings [2] ✓