lil smutty but not??
30+ comments pls and 50+ votes
above Cole Sprouse will play Matt in this
Luke opened the back door of the car, seeing Cory pouting himself. "Come on, Cor."
Luke sighed and leaned in, taking off the seatbelt before he picked Cory up, throwing his son over his shoulder. "Cory I'm not arguing with you tonight, I have to go out."
Cory slumped against his dad, giving in easily, he loved his dad too much to have Luke be mad at him. He let Luke walk him to his grandma and granddads front door, knocking. "I'll get your bag," he said putting Cory down, "stay here."
Luke walked back to the car as the front door opened and Cory looked up to see granddad Andy and smiled, "granddad!"
Andrew grinned, leaning down to pick Cory up. "Hey kid."
Luke came back with Cory's back and his toy, "be good please?" Luke asked his son.
Cory nodded, "I'll be good, are you getting me tomorrow?"
"Grandma is taking you to school but I'll pick you up, alright?" Luke said and Cory nodded before he leaned towards Luke and luke quickly kissed his cheek. "Love you baby."
"Love you too daddy."
Luke smiled and handed his dad the bag before he walked back to the car and got in the drivers seat, waving to his dad and son as he drove away to Ashton and Michael's house.
Ashton hadn't moved house since he'd divorced Reece, so it still had all the kids rooms and the only difference was someone else was sharing a bed with Ashton.
Luke arrived at the large house, before getting out and going to the front door. He knocked and straightened out his black button up as Ashton answered. "Hey Luke."
"Hey." Luke followed Ashton inside and shut the door behind him. "Who's here?"
"Work colleagues, I'll introduce them to you, Mike, Cal and now you." Ashton said, heading in to the living room, handing Luke a beer. "We're going to the strip club in a bit."
"Strip club?" Luke questioned, he'd never been to one before, he'd never been old enough and then he had Cory so he couldn't do that stuff.
Ashton smirked, "you've never been have you?"
Luke shook his head, sipping the beer, which felt so refreshing.
"Well you'll be fine, there's men and woman there so you can take your pick Luke."
Luke gulped, he didn't know what tonight would concur of.
He said hi to Calum and Michael and made acquaintances with Ashton's work friends and Michael introduced him to someone who was kinda attractive but Luke didn't want anyone like that, someone his age was better.
It reminded him too much of Reece.
They went to the strip club in three different taxi's, Luke being shoved in with Calum and two random guys called Charlie and Steve from Ashton's work.
When they arrived the guys all got drinks at the bar, seeing men and woman walking around in barely any clothes and Calum was staring with his mouth open at a girl who was in some white lacy lingerie. "Cal," Luke flicked him.
"Hm?" He asked not looking away.
"You have a girlfriend."
Calum waved Luke off, "I'm allowed to stare."

Nature ⇝ Luke Hemmings [2] ✓