heyyyy I haven't updated in a few days but here's a cute update, 40+ comments pls
The family were checking out one of the houses Luke had found online, it was in a suburban neighbourhood so the kids could play out in the street and the park down the road with out any trouble.
It was a bit place, seven bedrooms, and a garage big enough for the two cars they had, as well as extra space for the kids bikes and other random things that had no place to go.
It had a big back garden with a nice patch to grow fruit and veg as well as a patio to put chairs and tables to eat.
"The asking price five hundred thousand, and depending on your mortgage it'd be around four hundred a week, roughly." The real estate lady said, the three of them standing in the open kitchen, hearing the kids running around and looking at the place.
Reece looked at Luke, "when we sell the houses, we'll have enough." He said.
Luke hummed, "it's a lot." He said.
Reece nodded, "yeah but if we move in, all the kids will have their own room, and the garden is huge and there's enough room in the garage for both cars. There's a walk in wardrobe for all your damn shoes." Reece smiled at Luke, their hands entwined.
Luke turned to the real estate woman, "can you give us a moment?" He asked.
"Of course," she said, walking away in to the living room.
Luke then turned to reece, "it's really expensive."
"How much is your house?" Reece asked, "mine is two hundred and thirty and I have paid off my mortgage already, I will get back all of my money when I sell it." He said.
"It's three hundred." Luke said, "I've paid one hundred and sixty hundred of the mortgage." He said. "I'm just anxious about it Reece."
"Because what if you have the kids and suddenly leave again, I'll be stuck with Cory in a house too--"
"I won't leave again." Reece frowned, cupping Luke's face. "I love you so much, you know that, I couldn't leave again."
Luke sighed, taking Reece's hand. "I know but I still get scared you will."
Reece pouted, kissing Luke softly. "I won't, I promise." He smiled softly.
"If I say yes, do I get anything in return?" Luke asked.
Reece smiled, "you get to rub my swollen ankles." He beamed, making Luke laugh.
"Okay, we can get it." Luke said eventually.
They found the lady in the living room, Luke telling her they wanted it. "Great, we just need to sign some papers and put down your offer." She smiled.
"Babe, why don't you go and put the kids in the car while I do this?" Luke asked, touching Reece's arm.
"Okay, don't take too long." Reece said before leaving. He rounded up the kids, Cory holding his hand. "Did you like the house?"
"Yeah! My room is gonna be the biggest one at the front of the house." Cory said, talking about the room Reece and Luke would have, with the walk in wardrobe.
Reece opened the car door in the back, Vicky climbing in. Reece smiled, pulling on the seatbelt and she took it. Reece was about the back away when he winced, holding his stomach, before he felt a nudge against his hand.
The baby kicked.
Reece smiled, feeling around, the baby kicking again. He was five and a half months pregnant now, he'd been waiting for them to kick.
"Are you okay dad?" Vicky asked.
Reece nodded, "yeah, your little brother is kicking." He chuckled.
"Can I feel?" Vicky gasped, Cory coming to Reece's side, placing a small hand on Reece's tummy, Vicky doing the same. They gasped when the baby kicked again.
"Why'd it kick!" Cory squeaked, "does it wanna come out?"
"Soon," Reece said, "about another two months."
Cory nodded, letting Reece help him in to the car before Reece got in the front passenger seat, the radio playing as he rubbed his tummy slowly in circles, soothing the babies.
The drivers door opened, Luke climbing in and glancing at Reece and smiling before it dropped his eyebrows furrowing, "you okay? What's wrong?"
Reece shook his head, simply grabbing Luke's hand and placing it on the place they'd kicked before. "Just wait." Reece said.
Luke waited a minute or so before he felt a nudge against his hand, and he gasped, his eyes widening. Chloe had never let him feel the baby kick, this was all so new to him. "Holy shit." Luke breathed, before he leaned forward and kissed Reece deeply.
"Ew!" Cory yelled, "stop! That's icky!"
Luke pulled away, looking at the kids, "it's a good day, we're going out for tea." He said, grinning.
The family went to a restaurant that had a separate child's play area with a ball pit and padded climbing frames and slides. The kids went and played as soon as they got through the gate, Luke paying.
The adults sat down on a sofa, Reece putting his feet up as Luke went and got some drinks, coming back with a beer, and five fruit drinks. Luke picked up Reece's legs and sat down, putting Reece's feet on his lap. "You okay?" Luke asked, reaching a hand up and running Reece's tummy. "Does it hurt?"
Reece shrugged, "just uncomfy."
Luke smiled, "I love you," he said, Reece seeing the content smile on Luke's face.
"I love you too." Reece replied easily. It was easy to love Luke.
Luke turned to him and leaned forward, kissing him. Reece kissed back, keeping it short as other families were around. "You seemed to surprised at the kicking." Reece said, "did you not get that with Chloe?"
"She hated her pregnancy, she wouldn't let me touch her at all." Luke said, "wouldn't even hold my hand at the birth, or touch her tummy or speak to it even when I told her it'd help the baby know who its dad was."
Reece frowned, "well you can do anything you want to my bump."
Luke smiled, putting his hand back on the big bump, rubbing his fingers in slow circles. "Still want that massage?"
"Fuck, yes please."
I love babies, the whole concept of it is so soft I want so many babies, like five and I wanna adopt too @ Luke be ready for babies
Buying a house together?
The babies kicking?
Luke talking about Chloe's pregnancy??
Predictions? Thoughts? You feeling good? It's 5am, I'm tired af goodnight

Nature ⇝ Luke Hemmings [2] ✓