hi please 30+ comment ily
Reece hasn't been on sc for like a week and the squad is worried, if you have me on sc comment the "🌭" emoji or snap me it
The night after finding out about them having twins, Luke entered the bedroom from after using the bathroom and brushing his teeth.
Reece was sat in bed, reading a book, with a pair of reading glasses on his face.
Luke smiled before he crawled up the bed towards Reece. He took the book, folding over the corner of the page before putting the book on the bedside table before he looked at Reece and smiled. "We gotta talk."
Reece sighed, "okay."
"We need to talk about where you're staying when the babies come, and we gotta talk about your mum." Luke said, seeing Reece pout, "let's start with the babies."
Reece smiled, before Luke started talking again, "I want you and the kids to move in with us, and be a proper family."
"Are you sure?" Reece asked. "There's six kids, which is a lot, are you sure you want this?"
Luke nodded, "three are biologically mine anyway."
"But this place isn't big enough." Reece said.
Luke grinned, standing up and going to the desk, "that's why I have these," he said, picking up a folder and handing it to Reece, sitting down again. "We can go looking at them soon."
Reece beamed, moving forward and kissing Luke, "I'll sell the house in Adelaide, and get our stuff sent over."
"I'll sort it out." Luke said, "I don't want you to stress out the baby."
Reece nodded, hugging Luke around the waist, "thank you, I love you."
"I love you too." Luke replied, kissing Reece's forehead.
"You're amazing Luke, honestly, I couldn't ask for a better partner." Reece smiled, kissing Luke again.
"Me too." Luke smiled softly, pressing another kiss to Reece's mouth. "Now on to the topic of your mother."
Reece frowned, "she never liked the fact I was gay." He started, "when I came out at like fifteen, she yelled at me. My dad was chill about it but my mum started insulting me constantly or ignoring me completely. When she shouted at me, and it got too much, I use to run away to Ashton's house."
Reece sighed, "She hated that my sister liked girls but as soon as she got knocked up, that didn't care anymore, she was seen as straight again, my little sister was raped and all she cared about was whether or not she was straight." Reece seethed, his hands gripping Luke's shirt.
"My mum was an ungrateful bitch and even when I married another man, she acted like it never happened, never cared that I had a ring on my finger, she'd still point out girls to me and tell me I should find a nice girl and have kids and I told her I couldn't have kids and she didn't care. My biggest wish was to have my own kid and she didn't care that I couldn't. I see why my dad left her, she's a psycho. I'm surprised she even cared for my kids, considering they aren't mine biologically."
"When we first dated I never wanted her to meet you because I knew she'd go fucking crazy on you and try and persuade you to find another girl and have more babies." Reece said, making Luke lift his hand and scratch at his head softly, soothing Reece.
Reece then looked up at Luke with wide eyes, "I'm happy I don't have to see her anymore but she's my mum you know, like I'll always want her approval because she's my mother, she made me, I'm half her which is scary as fuck because she's a psycho. But Luke, you've got such a nice set of parents, never, ever resent them."
Luke nodded, hugging Reece tightly, "I won't, ever."
"I never wanna be like my mum. When I cheated on Ashton, I never wanted to do what my dad did but now that I've talked to my dad again, I don't wanna be like my mum. She was such a bad person to her kids Luke, please make sure I'm never like that to our kids." Reece pleaded.
"I wouldn't let you." Luke sighed, "she's a shitty person, I don't think you could ever be mean to our kids."
Reece sighed, squeezing Luke, "thank you."
"And if I ever see your mum again, I'll kick her ass." Luke chuckled, Reece giggling softly. Luke kissed Reece's head before attaching their lips together.
Reece's hands went to Luke's bum, holding him close, but then Luke's hands slid across Reece's stomach. Luke's kisses went south, getting to Reece's tummy and lifting his shirt.
"your Grandma Iris is a bitch, good thing Grandma Liz is amazing," Luke whispered to the babies, Reece smiling and running his hand through Luke's hair. Luke then peppered the bump in kisses, "I'm gonna love you both so much."
Then Luke sat up and kissed Reece again, "and I'm gonna love you forever."
Reece smiled, "I love you so much."
The two of them got under the covers, Luke being the big spoon as he cuddled Reece from behind, his hands on Reece's stomach.
Reece reached over and turned off the light before snuggling back in to Luke, closing his eyes. Luke kissed his clothed back before closing his eyes, slowly getting use to falling asleep with someone else in his bed. It'd been empty for so long, but now someone was there by his side every night he went to sleep and every morning he woke up.
The two of them were almost asleep when Luke's bedroom door opened, it squeaking as it did. Luke sat up and saw Cory shutting the door behind him, turning around to the bed with Rico the Rhino in his hands. "You okay buddy?"
"Can I sleep with you and Reecey?"
Luke nodded, pulling the covers back. Cory walked around the bed and climbed in, getting between them as Reece turned around. Cory instantly cuddled in to Reece, the brunette putting his arms around Cory.
Luke smiled and lay back down, pulling his two boys close and humming softly before falling asleep.
I just love kids with Luke and I've always wanted to do a daddy!luke book and this was my excuse
Reece staying at the Hemmings house after the babies are born? Finding another house?
Reece's mum? His childhood?
Cuddling? Cory coming to join them?
Predictions? Thoughts? Rip I skyped Rita ali and Lina for like 3 hours and now my brother is texting Lina eEK

Nature ⇝ Luke Hemmings [2] ✓