It's officially September here, why
also I snapped Reece and daDDY😩💦 he has Luke's El Paso fire department shirt bye and his motherfucking beard, but rip I won't see him at college much now he's doing different classes🙂
50+ comments??
They walked through the corridor to Fran's office, Reece holding his pregnant stomach. They got to the door, Luke knocking before hearing a come in. He pushed it open, letting Reece in first, who smiled at Fran.
"Hello Hemmings family." She grinned, wiping her hands on a towel. She put the paper towel in the bin, Reece and Luke sitting down. "You're here to find out the other gender I presume?"
"Yes." Luke grinned, taking Reece's hand. "I'm kinda hoping for another boy." Luke grinned.
"So many boys." Reece sighed, "I don't need more testosterone."
Luke laughed, squeezing Reece's hand. "You've dealt with me, you'll be fine."
"How about I set up the machine and you get on the bed? We'll get it done quick and you can find out."
Reece grinned and Luke helped him stand before helping him on the bed. Reece sighed and lay down, lifting his shirt and pulling down his pregnancy pants a little before taking Luke's hand in his. Luke leaned down and pecked his nose, "love you." Luke said quietly making Reece beam up at him.
"Love you too."
Fran set up the machine before she put the probe on to Reece's, she moved it around before finding the babies. She turned the screen to the two men, before pressing a button and their mouths fell open when they heard the thumping of the babies heart.
"Oh my god." Reece breathed, "I never heard a babies heartbeat before."
Reece looked at Luke, who had tears in his eyes as he stared at the screen. Reece squeezed his hand making Luke lick his lips, "our babies." Luke breathed, before looking down at Reece, "I'm so--"
"You're crying so much." Reece laughed lightly, looking at Fran, "do you have a tissue?"
She nodded, laughing, handing a tissue from the table beside her. Luke wiped his tears before he gulped, looking at Fran, "okay I'm ready, show me my other child."
Fran laughed, putting the probe against Reece again, "okay, so here we have the bigger baby, which is the little boy." She said, pointing at the screen, "and here is baby number two." She grinned, "and by what I can tell, it's another little boy."
Luke grinned, nudging Reece, "I told you."
Reece laughed, before he pulled Luke close and the blond leaned down to kiss him. "I love you." Reece whispered.
"I love you too."
Fran smiled at the sight before she took a photo on the monitor, and she looked at the babies on screen, realising those babies had brought Luke and Reece together again.
Eh, who knew.
"Gotten over the shock of twins I presume?" Fran asked, handing Luke some tissues for Reece's stomach as she put the machine away.
Luke nodded, "yeah," he said, wiping his boyfriend tummy. "There's been family drama, and moving house on top of that."
Fran looked up, "do not let Reece get stressed out, he doesn't need it at this stage." She said sternly. "Make sure he rests and sleeps a lot."

Nature ⇝ Luke Hemmings [2] ✓