This was two chapters planned but they were short so I pushed them together
Look at my pretty little ghostbuster
40+ comments pls
Luke stood at his mums kitchen, helping her wash up as his dad and Cory were in the living room. The two of them went round for dinner on Fridays, to catch up and talk.
"Mum?" Luke asked slowly.
"Can I tell you something?" Luke started.
"Anything, what is it?" Liz asked sweetly, putting away a pot.
Luke took in a deep breath, his mum was going to kill him, but he had to tell her. "well at Ashton and Michaels wedding, Reece was there and we argued and he was crying and we--we kissed"
Liz nodded "okay."
"then we uh hooked up and he came here two days ago and told me he's pregnant."
He watched as his mum stopped what she was doing and turn to him, then she hit him with the towel, "you're an idiot!" She yelled.
"he was infertile, my sperm is too strong!" Luke protested, "we didn't know this would happen, I swear!"
"You're a bloody idiot--Andy! Get in here and talk to your son!" She yelled, "apparently our sex talk when you were fifteen didn't do anything." She glared, her arms folded, as she leant against the counter top.
Andrew entered the kitchen, "what's wrong?"
"Our stupid son got Reece pregnant." Liz said bluntly making Luke sigh as he looked down at his feet.
"Oh for gods sake Luke, you couldn't keep it in your pants?" Andrew sighed, "we should bloody neuter him like a dog."
"I am not having my balls removed." Luke interjected, looking between his parents. "And it just happened, we're not together or anything."
"You're so stupid Luke." His dad said, looking over at his wife.
"I know, but this time I can actually support this baby as soon as its born, I have the money and the experience this time." Luke said.
"Where will Reece stay? You can't miss the whole pregnancy because of Reece being in Adelaide." Liz questioned.
"We haven't discussed that yet, he's staying in a hotel for a while." Luke said.
"Are you sure it's even yours?" Liz then asked and Luke nodded instantly.
"Reece may have been a dick to me but he doesn't whore around, he's got kids to deal with and he's busy." Luke defended him. "And yes he's not just lying because we went to the doctors."
Liz looked at her husband then back at Luke, "go talk to Reece right now, we'll look after Cory for the night." She said.
Luke looked at her, "why now?"
Liz gave Luke a look, "Because you got that man pregnant on a one night stand! Again! Go talk to him!"
Luke walked down the hotel corridor, he already knew Reece's room number. He stopped outside of the door and hesitated, then sighed before knocking.
He heard shuffling before the door unlocked and it opened.
Reece was standing in just his dark blue boxers, and Luke couldn't help but look at Reece's tummy. He would be holding his baby for another eight months.
"Stop it Luke." Reece mumbled, seeing Luke's stare, before letting Luke in. The blond stepped in and Reece shut the door before he went back to his bed and wrapped the duvet covers around him again.
Luke stood awkwardly before he sat on the edge of the bed, the TV was on and playing the news. He remembers Reece watching the news in the mornings and at night. It was just a thing he did, even if all the news was bad.
"My mum sent me here to talk to you about what would happen with the pregnancy." Luke said, turning himself around and putting his feet on the bed.
"Okay, what kind of stuff?" Reece asked, he was itching to just tell Luke to take off his shoes and sit next to him.
"I don't want to miss the pregnancy so where would you stay? And what about when it's born? I want to see he or she everyday, and I can't if you decide to split it like you did with Ashton's kids." Luke said, he wanted to be apart of the babies life, from the moment Reece told him to the day Luke died.
"I don't know." Reece shrugged, "I go on maternity leave in a month from work, so I could come back here to Sydney for the rest of the pregnancy." Reece offered.
Luke nodded, "you should stay at my house, we have enough room and Declan can room with Cory and the girls can have a room and so can you." Luke said, thankful he had two guest rooms now.
Reece nodded, "okay."
Luke too, nodded.
Then it was awkward.
"Im sorry for everything." Reece said.
"Stop, I don't want--"
"No I mean for getting pregnant and us not using a condom, we didn't have protection, we shouldn't have had sex."
Luke looked at Reece, their eyes meeting before Luke said, "hooking up with you that night was a mistake."
Reece felt his chest tighten at Luke's words, he'd really messed up. He blinked back tears. "Oh." And now he wanted Luke gone. "Is that all? I have to drive home tomorrow and I'm tired." Reece said quickly.
Luke nodded, standing up from the bed, "I'll let myself out." He said, walking towards the door.
Reece kept his stare down as Luke left the hotel room and then Reece sobbed.
Reece lay down, wiping his eyes, "stupid, so fucking stupid. He doesn't want to be around you." He told himself.
"he doesn't love you anymore."
Ok I teared up wow
Luke has his obvious reasoning to be mad and upset with Reece and Reece is just sad because Luke hates him and he can't fix it
Liz and Andrews reaction?
Seeing Reece? Their arrangement??
Luke saying it was a mistake?
Predictions? Thoughts? Feelings? Are you doing well today? Are you good? Did you tell Luke happy birthday?

Nature ⇝ Luke Hemmings [2] ✓