35+ comments pls BC shit is starting :)))))
next 3 chapters are the wedding and vv eventful alright good luck on this journey
did anyone else nut at the sight of Luke in the NA part 1 video and the little fist bump thing with the camera fuck I love him
It was the day of the wedding, near to the end of the summer, so the kids could all attend because well Ashton's kids were flower girls and ring bearers as well as Cory too.
Michael, Calum and Luke sat in Luke's kitchen, drinking coffee. "You should call him." Calum mumbled in Luke's ear, "do it Luke, do it." He said, dragging out his words to tempt Luke. "You might get laid again."
Luke glared at Calum, "fine I'll fucking call him."
He put his coffee down and picked up his phone instead, and scrolled through his contacts until he found Matt, seeing his icon was a selfie of him he'd sent to Luke. It had been a week since they'd met and it'd been non stop calling and texting filled with cute texts and flirting.
Matt answered after a few rings, "hey Luke."
"Hey um, I was wondering if you'd wanna be my date to my friends wedding." Luke said, glancing at his friends. "If you're not busy or anything."
"Oh yeah sure, I have tonight off anyway."
Luke smiled, "I can pick you up on the way to the venue? Wear a nice suit alright." He said, happy Matt had agreed to be his date.
"What time? I'll need to get ready." Matt asked.
"The wedding starts at twelve, we'll come by at half ten?" Luke asked.
"Yeah okay, I can't wait."
"Great, I'll text you when we leave."
"Bye Luke."
"Bye Matt."
Luke hung up and looked at his friends, Calum cheering and Michael beaming at him. "You're getting shit done with your life." Michael smiled, sipping his coffee.
Luke smiled, because he was, he was happy.
An hour later the boys and Cory left in Luke's Range Rover to pick up Matt. They arrived and Luke texted he was outside before he came out and climbed in the back with Calum and Cory.
Matt had leaned forward and kissed Luke's cheek before sitting back and putting on his seat belt. "Hey little man." Matt smiled at Cory, "bad ass cast."
Cory smiled, "daddy said that too." He said.
Luke smiled to himself before pulling out in to the road and driving towards the venue.
They booked in and Luke sorted out everything as he was Michaels best man before going to their room where they could get dressed.
Luke walked in to the room and smiled at Matt, "you look handsome." He said, seeing the grey suit on him.
"I wore this to prom." Matt chuckled, "I wanna see your suit, get changed."
Luke nodded and after Calum had changed he went in and put on his suit. When he came back, Cory grinned, "you look pretty daddy."
"Thank you buddy."
Matt smiled at the sight of Luke, he couldn't deny Luke was a fucking attractive guy but he wasn't sure if it was meant to be a romantic relationship or a sexual one. They needed to talk soon.

Nature ⇝ Luke Hemmings [2] ✓