keep up the comments guys ily a lot 40+?
@ the pic I sobbed
Luke parked up outside of the hotel, texting Reece that he was outside. "Daddy?"
Luke glanced behind him to Cory, "you okay?"
Cory nodded, "I thought you and Reece weren't friends, why are we picking him up?"
"We're taking him to the doctors that's all." Luke smiled, Cory nodding in return.
The car door opened then and Luke smiled tightly at Reece, who climbed in, buckling up. He smiled at Luke, then turning to the back to Cory, "hey kid."
"Hi Reecey." Cory smiled.
They drove off to the doctors, when they arrived, Luke held Cory's hand as they walked up to the doors. "I'll go to the desk." Reece said, "you two go sit down."
Luke nodded and walked to the waiting area, pulling Cory in to his lap. They waited for a moment and Reece came back to sit down beside Luke.
Cory wiggled off of Luke's lap, plopping on the floor. "Can I go play?" Cory asked Luke, pointing to the toys in the corner of the room.
Luke nodded, "be good." Luke smiled before Cory ran off.
"How come you had to bring Cor?" Reece asked.
"No one could look after him, I'm gonna have to figure out how to tell him soon." Luke shrugged, "he doesn't like me hugging my nephews or nieces never mind another baby on the way."
Reece chuckled, "Declan is the same, he gets jealous of Vicky and Addy a lot."
They slipped in to silence until Reece's name was called on the screen. Luke walked over to Cory, "buddy, you coming?"
"No," Cory said, "can I stay and play?"
Luke frowned, he didn't want to just leave Cory out here with randomers.
"I'll look after him." Luke looked up, seeing a man and a woman, the woman was heavily pregnant, and they had another kid with them already.
"Are you sure?" Luke asked.
"Yeah it's fine, we got here early anyway." The woman smiled and Luke kneeled down to Cory.
"Hey Cor, can you stay with this lady here yeah?" Luke asked him, and his son nodded before Luke kissed his head and stood up, turning to Reece. "Let's go."
They walked down the corridors to their room, they knocked before the doctor told them to come in.
Reece turned to Luke, "are you ready for this?" He asked the blond, hand on the door handle.
Luke nodded, "yeah, let's go," he smiled, and Reece opened the door.
They sat down at the chairs across from the doctor at the desk. "What can I do for you?" The doctor asked.
Reece sighed, glancing at Luke, "I found out I'm pregnant, but um Luke doesn't believe me, so would I be able to have a scan or a test or something?"
The doctor looked at the odd couple, "you don't believe him?" The doctor asked Luke.
Luke shrugged, "we've had a rough past, that's all."
The doctor nodded before he rolled towards his drawers and pulled out a see through plastic cup with a lid. He rolled back to the two men, "go pee in this, come back and we'll get a test done." He smiled, handing him the pot.
Reece nodded and stood up, he glanced at Luke before leaving the room.
Luke stayed quiet, the doctor typing on his computer. "When did you conceive the baby?" The doctor asked, Luke looking up.
"August twenty first, it was at a wedding." Luke said, the doctor typing it in.
"So he's a month along now?" Luke nodded.
"Do you have any other kids?"
"I have one biological, Reece has three adopted." Luke answered, hearing the door open behind him.
Reece sat down again, putting the pot on the desk. Luke glanced at the pot before the doctor took the pot before he stood up. "I'll be back in a moment."
Reece was silent, looking down at his lap, and his slightly trembling hands. He was scared as hell but he loved kids, he couldn't wait to have his own (biologically), never mind if it was Luke's too. Luke was a good dad, he knew they'd be okay.
"Are you okay?" Luke asked quietly.
Reece shrugged, "I guess."
The doctor came back in, and he sat down. "Reece is pregnant." He said.
Luke sighed, "fuck." He mumbled, his head in his hands.
Reece stared at him, "you really thought I was lying to be with you again?" He said and quickly wiped at his eyes. "Okay, whatever, can we sort out the pregnancy please?" He said.
They sorted out what would happen with the baby, giving them dates for scans etcetera before they left the doctors office.
As soon as the door shut, Reece turned away from Luke and sniffled before wiping his eyes. "I can't believe you Luke." He sobbed.
Luke frowned and hugged Reece tightly, "I should've believed you." Luke whispered. "I'm so sorry reece."
Reece shook his head, "God I know I love you but I wouldn't make up a fake baby to be with you, I can't force you to be with me either so I would never, it's just bad luck that this happened." He cried softly before he pulled away from the hug, as much as he wanted to just cuddle in to Luke and cry.
Luke sighed, grabbing Reece's hand. "I've done this once Reece, I can do it again," he smiled. "Now let's go yeah? We can take Cory to get ice cream."
Reece nodded, wiping his eyes, ignoring the way Luke dropped his hand.
"I've gotta tell my parents still." Luke chuckled, the two walking to the waiting area. "Ashton's gonna kill me too."
"I'll get the bulk of the abuse not you." Reece sighed, getting to the waiting area where Cory ran to Luke and jumped in to his arms, Luke catching him easily.
"Are we going home now?" Cory asked.
"Nope, we're gonna get ice cream."
"Is Reecey coming?" Cory asked.
"He is." Luke smiled, "is that okay with you buddy?"
"That's good."
Cory likes Reecey.
Cory doesn't like new babies
Cory doesn't like kids near Luke
Reece has all of the abovefeedback??
Luke really not believing him??
Reece being upset??
Predictions? Thoughts? Anything else lol I'm bored

Nature ⇝ Luke Hemmings [2] ✓