Start Over

15 0 2

Do you even know
How much you hurt me
When you say I'm lucky
Lucky that I get to start over
What if I don't want to start over
I love life here with you
Or at least the old you
I don't know who you are anymore
What have you done to my friend
You're not her anymore
Sure you want a fresh start
But I don't
I'm not you
But you always think I am
What happened to the girl
That knew me so well
The girl who turned sadness to joy
Now you turn joy into sadness
When I say I don't wanna go
You say you're so lucky
Sure I get a fresh start
But I don't want that
I'm losing everyone here
Everyone I care about
People who make me smile
Now I regret opening up
Letting emotions get to me
I'm hurting more than I show
Why can't you see
What you use to see
My pain is killing me
And you're making it worse
Who are you
Certainly not my friend anymore
Just stay away from me
Maybe then I'll find some joy
Because all you bring now
Is painful darkness to me
You're words shall be my end
Crushing my heart
In your hand
Why did I let you in
You're such a monster now
Thinking about what you want
But I'm not you
I never was
So good-bye to you
Good-bye to the pain you bring me
I am free from your darkness
I have to start over without you

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