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Novalees pov:

I wasn't mad I was hurt. I really like Hunter I mean I think I love him he's the one I've liked since the beginning but there's Blake, he's always there for me when things like this happen. My thoughts were overwhelming me and I had to stop. I ran to a table and sat down as I buried my head into my arms. I could hear the guys whispering and Blake told them to head to the van. He lifts my body onto his as he holds me lightly touching me as he does it.

"Hey Novalee it's just me" He says as he tries to get me to lift my head up from my arms. It works after he tickles me.

"Blake I don't feel good" I say as I go back to crying and digging my head into his shoulder.

"You ready to go back with the rest of the guys?" Blake asks after a few minutes. I nod and we head to the van. I didn't feel like doing anything so I kept my eyes closed and kept my head on Blake after buckling our seat belts, I could hear the guys whispering in the seats behind me but never heard anything from Hunter or Desire. Blake kissed my forehead as he laid his head on mine. After that everyone became pretty quiet then the next thing I know Blakes carrying me to a hotel room. He laid me down on a bed as I open my eyes looking at my surroundings.

"I hope you don't mind staying in my room" Blake says as he giggles. I was okay with it I was just nervous considering Hunter stays in this room too.

Hunters pov:

"You really messed up man" Brandon says as we walk back to our hotel room that was shared with Blake.

"I get it okay I'm already beating myself up and I don't need a little kid to remind me" I say as I speed ahead of him.

"I didn't make the mistake" Brandon says under his breath as he speeds up the room going ahead of me opening the door and closing it.

As I walk in I see Blake in the bed but he was with Novalee. It made me really upset seeing them. I go to the bathroom as I stare at myself in the mirror and cry. I held my hands over my mouth and run out of the bathroom slamming the hotel door probably waking both Novalee and Blake up.

Brandon's pov: (ooo a twist)

Blake and Novalee both sit up startled by the noise coming from Hunter as I look back at them. They both were very confused.

"Novalee you might want to go after Hunter" I say as I sigh. She sighs back and gets up as she slips her sandals on and stands at the door opening it before looking back at us with a sad expression written on her face. I look back at Blake who looked quite hurt.

"Hey she'll be okay I'm sure they won't even get back together" I say trying to make Blake happy.

"I don't know I really like her" He said looking down as his body was sitting with his legs dangling from the white blanket on the bed.

He smiles back at me which I could tell was forced and grabs his phone trying to keep his mind off of the situation.

Novalees pov:

I ran around the hotel looking for Hunter until I came to the roof of the hotel. Hunter sat with his head in his hands. I didn't speak instead I let the tears from my eyes escape. Sure I was mad at him but seeing him like this hurt more. He looked up from his hands as he heard me walking behind him.

"I like you a lot Novalee, heck I'm in love with you. You mean the world to me and I regret ever holding her hand and ignoring you today" Hunter said as more tears came from his eyes.

"I-I don't know H-Hunter" I said I was speechless.

"It's okay you like Blake I know it" He said as he gave me a smile trying not to cry even more.

"Hunter I don't- I- I need space" I said as I ran to the roof stairs and scurried down them running to the elevator. Before I could get into the elevator Hunter pulled my wrist. He gave me a smile and let me go. I pushed the floor the rooms were on and ran to the room Blake and Brandon were in.

As I walked in both of their eyes came to me. I just went up to Brandon and asked him to talk. Before I walked out I gave Blake a reassuring smile and took Brandon's hand.

"I need someone to talk to and at this point you're all I have" I said to Brandon avoiding eye contact. He grabbed my body and squeezed me as he hugged me tightly.

We went to the lobby where there was a Starbucks and ordered some drinks. We had been both laughing loudly from jokes we were telling. He made me really happy and I'm glad we were talking. Suddenly I realized why I had been with him and why I was upset. My thoughts were crowded with negativity and I broke down crying.

Brandon was confused but grabbed my body as he hugged me tighter than earlier. I felt lifeless and I just wanted to cry.

"Do you want to go back to the room?" He said smiling down at me trying to make me happy again.

"C-Can we stay here for a C-Couple minutes" I say back as I cuddle my head into his neck. He smiled and nod his head. It had been a few minutes and I got up, he followed me and we went back to the room. As we walked back I stopped.

"Thank you so much Brandon you don't understand how much it meant for us to just sit and talk" I said to him as we were at the elevator.

I looked into his eyes and we stood there for a few minutes until he grabbed my face and kissed my forehead. It honestly gave me tingles and a feeling I've never felt before. I blushed and kissed his cheek quickly as he blushed back. We laughed and headed up the elevator standing at the door of the room.

AN: ooo a twist and another cliffhanger, don't forget to comment and vote for more chapters.

I love you. ;hbrTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon