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Novalees pov:

Desire went down to the pool with Bryce and invited me but I didn't want to be with anyone right now. I closed my eyes and started thinking. I heard a knock and heard Blake outside the door.

"Let me in Novalee" Blake said in tears. He started moving the door knob and I could hear his body slide down the back of the door.

"Blake leave" I said getting up going to the door. I couldn't see his face it would make me crave him more and more. I heard his body move from the door and down the hallway as his sneakers dragged across the carpet.

Brandons pov:

I remember Hunter had the girls extra hotel key so I looked through his bag and didn't see it. I then walked out of the room not forgetting my room key and walked to Novalees room. I could hear her and someone arguing I couldn't make out the voices but they seemed tense.

Hunters pov:

I knew that Brandon was going to try and get Novalee so after I knew Desire and Bryce left the hotel room and I took the extra key and went into the room. Novalee was curled up into a ball sleeping with tear stains on her cheeks.

"Novalee" I said startling her awake. She look at me and started breathing sort of heavy as she stared at me.

"H-Hunter how did you get in?!" She says raising her voice but having major voice cracks from crying so long.

"Don't you get it I love you I always have and I always will" I said moving closer to her. She moved away from me looking scared.

"Are you s-scared of me?" I said scared of myself.

"I don't know who to trust anymore I love you but I don't want to Hunter! Don't you understand that I'm so madly in love with you and I don't want to be" She said crying more as her voice started to fade away.

I didn't say anything since she was yelling I just sat on the bed and grabbed her body hugging her as tightly as I could get her. We laid on the bed as she snuggled into my chest crying I kissed her head and moved her hair from her face as she started dosing off to sleep. I smiled at her and closed my eyes going into a deep sleep.

Desires pov:

"You're so cute" Bryce said as we walked down the hallway going back to the hotel room from our little date at the pool. We had decided to call it a date since we were official and we were the only ones there today.

"Not as cute as you" I said smiling at Bryce as we acted cheesy. I was so happy we started dating it made me happy to be with him.

"Did you get the key?" I said giving a stern look at Bryce making sure he remembered it this time.

"Yes finally" He said and winked as he opened the door.

"Novalee we're here" I said warning her we were walking in. As soon as we did we saw Novalee and Hunter sleeping on the bed cuddling. I looked at a surprised Bryce and giggled softly to myself.

"Aw they finally are back together I hope" I said. I was so happy they were getting along because I can tell she's in love with him.

"Me too they were goals but he better not hurt her" Bryce says he is like Novalees brother and he super protective over her it's really sweet.

"Wanna go grab something to eat and leave the love birds to sleep" I said as I winked at Bryce. He smiled and nodded then we got showers and some money, leaving a note saying 'went to eat dinner have fun love birds -bresi'

Novalees pov:

I woke up to Hunter beside me. I smiled and snuggled more into his chest. He woke up and starting moving a little not trying to move our bodies.

"I really do love you Novalee" He said randomly as he played with a strand of my hair. He put it behind my ear and kissed my forehead. I giggled and went forward kissing his cheek.

"I really love you too Hunter Bryce" I said as I laid my head back down on his chest.

"Wanna watch a movie?, I'm bored" I said as I grabbed the remote not waiting for him to answer my question.

"Let's watch paper towns!" He said getting excited. It was really cute and he moved over taking the remote from me and giving me a cheesy smile to forgive him. I slapped his arm jokingly and laughed at him.

"You're so cute" He said as he leaned in and did something unexpected.

Desires pov:

We were eating at a local restaurant that was a dinner since none of the guys made plans and Novalee and Hunter were asleep.

It was really fun hanging out with Bryce and being called a couple it was really nice to talk and listen to him say weird things. He was quite embarrassing but I love him anyways. I think I really love him and I'm being serious. He means a lot to me and I hope this never changes.

"What you thinking bout?" He said grabbing my hand and playing with it since we were finished eating.

"You" I said sounding cheesy. He laughed and started into my eyes.

"I always think about you cutie" He said and smiled. He was so cute.

"I think I love you too Desire" He said continuing his sentence looking deeper into my eyes as he came over the table getting closer to my face.

"I love you" I said and leaned in kissing him it was long and passionate. He leaned back into his seat looking really happy and grabbed my hand leaving the money for the check and we headed back to the hotel. Today was so fun I'm so happy I got to spend it with Bryce and have my first kiss...

AN: sorry I haven't really been in the mood to write I will try my hardest with school starting to write more!

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