Flying and patronuses

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I am about to enter my fifth year at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. All the friends I have had, left me and abandoned me because I told them about my darkest secrets. They don't trust me anymore and it hurts to look at them and realise that they hate me. I've finally realised that I just needed to stop making friends, as I end up breaking myself every time. I still, of course, had my Dad and the other teachers who, unlike my friends, I can still talk to about any problems I have.

"Morning Dad" I said, yawning as I walked into his office. Another small thing about me, after the incident happened and I lost my friends, I stayed in a room off the side of Dad's office. It was safe and gave me protection in case it happened again.

"Morning Ali" Dad replied. Ali was my dad's nickname for me, and of course the other teachers also used it, not to mention the series of friends I have gone through.

"I'm just going to head off to Hooch's today, you promised I could teach the little first years flying". He just laughed.

"I'll head off Mcgonagall, I believe you have a double with her this morning and I know that you can already do the spell she's teaching you guys". I thanked him, running off with a note for Hooch.

"Hey Hoochy I have a note for you" I sang out.

"Oh, Alice how great to see you. So you're the little helper Dumbledore promised" She said, as she smiled at me and lead me over to the brooms. I was the seeker for the Gryffindor quidditch team. James Potter was our team captain, something I didn't mind that much. He was a fairly good captain, despite the early morning practices and short temper.

I used magic to lift the brooms and lay them out evenly across the front lawn. When they were done, I stood beside Madam Hooch and we talked about what was going to happen in this flying lesson. As this was the first lesson the first years were participating in, they were only going to be learning the right hand position and how to raise from the ground a few inches before landing. They would also fly a little ahead of their original position and then turn around and fly back. I was to be the demonstrator, and I would show them what they should hopefully achieve by the end of the lessons they would take, or, what they could look forward to if they joined the quidditch team.

I watched as all the first years walked down the hill. Some of them looked nervous, and some looked excited. I smiled warmly at them, gesturing for them to come quicker.

"Everyone stand by a broom, place your hand over it and say UP" Madam Hooch started by instructing them, and I stood back. Pointing my wand to my open window, I focused and said, 'Accio Broom' in my mind. A minute later my broom came flying toward me. With the skills of a natural quidditch player, I caught it one handed, watching as the kids who saw looked at me astounded.

"Now before you start, we have fifth year Alice, who will be showing you what you will all need to do" Madam Hooch said. Everyone turned around to watch. I mounted my broom and raised off the ground slightly, before leaning forward and landing. All the first years followed my lead, some finding it easy, whilst others were slightly wobbly and unsure.

"Good job everyone, keep practicing that until you feel comfortable, then head over to Alice to receive the next step". Several people came over and, after a few minutes, everyone was in front of me. I mounted my broom and raised about one foot in the air.

"Follow me please" I smiled, leading them to the quidditch field.

"Now this may or may not be familiar to you, and if it isn't you will learn more soon, but this is the quidditch pitch. Quidditch is a game made specifically for witches and wizards, where you fly around on brooms and try to score. When the competition is on you will be able to figure out how it works, but for now, all I want you to do is a lap of the pitch, a few inches off the ground". I hovered off the ground so that my toes grazed the field and I went around the pitch once. "Go at your own pace, remember, overtaking is fine". I sent them off and for the rest of the lesson they practiced flying around just slightly off the ground. Madam Hooch came onto the pitch and asked for me to show everyone what you could achieve with enough practice and what we hoped a few people from this year would eventually get. I nodded, as I raised up at sonic speed and zoomed around the pitch, I was riding on a Cleansweep 5, which was the latest model. I swerved around and dived down, laughing as all the first years were screaming. I pulled out of the dive easily dragging my toes across the pitch, before lowering myself onto the ground in front of the first years. They all stood frozen in shock.

"I'm not the Gryffindor seeker for nothing am I", I smiled at them before we walked up for our next lessons. I walked into defence against the dark arts slightly late, and handed the professor a note before taking my usual seat in the middle row. Today we were supposed to be learning how to create patronuses. I could see that everyone was trying but couldn't make it work. I had learnt in a previous year how to create a patronus by my father so with one flick of my wand, I thought of the spell, and sure enough a burst of light came out of my wand, forming the shape of a beautiful phoenix. Everybody who was in the room stopped abruptly and stared. I also looked at it astonished, for a different reason however, as I did it non-verbally for the first time. I grinned brightly as I watched the phoenix fly back to my wand.

"What?" I asked, now slightly agitated with my classmates staring. "It's only a patronus" I exclaimed. A random boy spoke from the back of the classroom.

"Only a patronus?! Are you kidding me?! That's a very advanced spell that most wizards and witches can't do and you just did it as soon as you came into this classroom, and as a non verbal spell too!" I just looked down at my lap shyly.

"Can you show us again please miss Dumbledore?" Our teacher asked. I waved my wand again and the phoenix burst out and flew around the heads of my classmates. At that moment, Dad walked into the class like he always does to check that i'm there. When he walked I saw the surprised look on his face as all the students and the teacher were staring at me, and a silvery phoenix was flying around their heads.

"Silent or spoken?" he directed this at me and I beamed,


"Well done Ali, that's great. I told you two years ago you'd get the silent one eventually, you kept insisting that you never would." Now everyone was staring at Dad. The same boy spoke up again.

"You could do a patronus when you were thirteen?!" he was awestruck, I just nodded shyly.

"Well, it's good to see you back in class on time Ali, get back to work everyone." With that, Dad left the room. People were still glimpsing at me but I just kept practicing silent incantations until the end of class. Once we were dismissed, I quickly walked to the great hall, keen to not be interrogated by any of my classmates.

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