A new year

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The summer holidays quickly finished and it was time for us to go back to school for our sixth year. We had all received our OWL results and I did very well. I received O's in all of my subjects which was a huge surprise. I was only taking Care of magical creatures, Defence against the dark arts and Transfiguration for my subjects as I wanted to be a dragon keeper when I was older.

"Aliiiiiice" Sirius sang happily jumping into the room. "We have to go" He said more serious now. I smiled and grabbed my trunk. I got to see the girls again today.

"SNOWY GET DOWN HERE" James yelled up the stairs. I rolled my eyes and clambered downstairs with my trunk. I tripped on the last stair and Remus caught me making me blush crimson.

"Thanks Rem" I muttered embarrassed.

"No problem Ali" Remus smirked. I rolled my eyes and stood back.

"Stop flirting Moony and hurry up" James said, obvious stress laced through his words. Remus blushed even darker then me and turned on his heel dragging his trunk to Mrs Potter who apparated him. I came next and when I was on the platform I followed the boys to a cabin.

"ALI" The voice of Lily called. James straightened out quickly.

"Don't you even dare ask her out, do what I taught you in the holidays" I warned. He rolled his eyes and saluted me playfully. Lily hugged me and I smiled.

"Hey Lil's" I answered. "Where are the other girls" I asked curiously.

"They are sitting in our cabin, we want to steal you from the boys for a little" Lily said raising her eyebrows at the boys as though mentally asking them a question.

"Sure thing Lily, her trunk can stay in here though, saves you guys the trouble" James said smiling. Lily smiled a genuine one back to him and I glanced at Remus and Sirius with slightly raised eyebrows. Peter was coming to meet at the train station as he couldn't come to James' in the holidays. Sirius was beaming like a proud father.

"Well thank you" Lily said. I left with her but not before I caught Sirius patting James on the back and congratulating him for getting a smile from Lily. "What are you smiling about" Lily asked.

"Absolutely nothing" I smirked. She rolled her eyes and I was engulfed in a hug as I entered the compartment. "Hey there Marl's and A" I said as I was released from the two girls.

"Ali, how were your holidays" Alice asked kindly.

"They were brilliant, it's a big change waking up every morning differently depending on how Sirius is feeling" I said rolling my eyes. Marlene smiled dreamily at the mention of Sirius' name and I smirked. Someone's got a crush.

"Well, what did you guys get on your OWL's" Lily asked jumping up and down. She had obviously wanted to ask everyone that. Alice and Marlene looked down.

"We both got the same, we got E's in Potions, charms and Care of Magical Creatures and O's in the rest" The both said identically. I smirked and nodded my head.

"We all know Lil's most likely did amazing" Marlene said. Lily shook her head.

"I got O's in everything but Divination which I got an E in" She said. I bit my lip nervously. "Ali, I know you did amazingly" She said pointedly. I blushed slightly embarrassed.

"Umm, yeah, I got O's in everything" I said quietly. Marlene and Alice clapped me on the back. Lily smiled warmly down at me.

"Congrats Ali, just goes to show who's the smartest in our group" Lily smirked. I rolled my eyes.

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