Chapter 16

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"Did you see my note?" The mysterious voice on the phone asked.

  "Yes. But what do you mean by 'kill the angel'?" He asked, taking the note out of his pocket. The race had been cut short by the unexpected death of a racer, the note had been inside the angel's car.

   "Are you really that idiotic Abaddon." She hissed, using his real name.

  "No. Your note doesn't say which angel."

"Should it matter? I'll send for you again when you've killed the right one-"

"-until then keep killing." He finished for her.

  "Very good. I'll be waiting,"She mused, "and watching." Then, she hung up. The connection dropped and there was an even long tone coming from his phone.

  Abaddon closed his phone, walking over to the window. The world turn pitch black around him, not even his outline could be seen.

"Why must she always call on me," He mumbled to himself, "Azrael could do more then I ever can. She's the angel of death for crying out loud."

  He slammed his hand onto the window that was covered in darkness. "I will obey as always. I will kill the angels."

   Lane looked at the figure standing in the door way. It took all his willpower not to throw himself at them and kill them with his love.

"Are you alright? Did they hurt you at all? Do you know who I am." The figure asked, stepping into the cell more.

  His face was as silver as ever, his eyes as blue as sapphires.

"Tyler Stephanie Lyric. Born July fourth-"

  "Hey smarty pants." Ty said, cutting his big brother off. He held his arms open, waiting for the anticipated hug.

  Lane broke into a smile and threw himself into his brother's arms. Never in his life, has he been happier to have a little brother who cares so much about him.

  "I'm not hurt, but the walls are closing in and I know why angels are dying. Who's behind it..."

  "Eline's trying to start a second Dark War." Ty said, ushering his brother out of the cell quickly.

  Lane shook his head. "She's preparing for it. Jinx doesn't realize what she's trying to do, it's not just about regaining earth for the demons. Ty, she's trying to keep the angels from reclaiming Hell."

"Reclaiming Hell? Why would the angels do that."

"Without Hell, the humans who aren't worthy of heaven, can't go anywhere. The gates are sealed in a way so they don't let souls enter or leave."

"But Jinx-"

"Found a fluke. She's the demon of luck, it's her job to find the flukes. It's like the placebo effect. Tell people a strong enough lie, they'll believe it's true."

"Interesting." Ty said, running a hand through his hair, "c'mon, let's find the girls."

He pushed off the wall and started jogging down the hallway.


Footsteps. In every direction. Echo spun around, first to the left, then to the right.

Jinx stoped dead in her tracks, turning to the hallway closest to them.

"We're not alone." She hissed, pulling off her gloves.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 22, 2017 ⏰

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