Finding A Name

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Chapter 13
(2 months later)
Rachels pov:
I'm six months pregnant now and I have grown so much. I'm so excited to have this baby and Finn is great. Gracie is so excited to be having a baby brother that she's been giving us names ever since she found out we're having a boy. Finn and I were in bed looking at baby names when Gracie came in.

"Hey baby." I said.

"Hi momma , hi daddy." She said climbing in our bed.

"Whats going on buttercup?" Finn asked her.

"Can we name my baby brother Nemo?" She asked us.

"Nemo?" I said smiling.

"Yeah Nemo Hudson." She said.

I smiled and said,

"Nemo is cute but I think it's better as a nickname." I said.

"What about Shawn?" Finn asked me.

"Shawn Hudson? It doesn't flow that well." I said.

"I agree. " Gracie .

"Oh yeah , what else ya got muchkin?" Finn asked her.

"Daniel." She said.

"I like Daniel." I said.

"Me too." Finn said.

Suddenly I felt a couple kicks from the baby,

"I think the baby likes it too." I said.

"Okay we can name him Daniel Nemo Hudson." She said.

I looked at Finn and smirked .

"I like it." Finn said and we laughed.

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