Remember Me

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Chapter 20 

FINAL chapter 

(2 days later)

Finns pov :

Today's the day Rachel leaves for New York and all I can think about is whether or not she'll ever come back. I don't want her to leave she's my wife I love her. I sat in the living room with Burt waiting for Rachel's parents to get here. I looked down at our wedding photo and sighed as Burt put his hand on my shoulder , 

"You okay Finn?" He asked me . 

"How can I be okay the woman I love is leaving me , I can't fix it . She's gone , my wife is gone and now I don't know what to do." I told him. 

"Sometimes the best thing do is just let go . There's this saying , if you love something , let it go , if it doesn't come back to you it was never yours in the first place, but if it does it was always yours to begin with. Sometimes we have to let go of the people we love in order for them to realize they belong with us ." He told me . 

"And what if she doesn't , what if she doesn't remember me again?" I asked him . 

"Sometimes we just gotta have faith God knows what he's doing ." He told me . 

Rachel's pov : 

I was in my room packing up when Finn knocked on my door, 

"Hey." I said . 

"Hi." He said back. 

"My parents called they should be here soon." I said . 

"Okay." He said. 

"Look I know this wasn't how you wanted things to go but I just wanted to thank you for helping me ."  I said . 

"Your'e welcome." He said . 

The doorbell rang and it was my parents , 

"So I guess this is it ." I said . 

"I guess so." He said . 

I was about to go down when Finn grabbed my hand , 

"Rachel wait!" He said. 

"Yeah?" I asked .

He suddenly pulled me in and kissed me passionately, 

"Sometimes when you love someone you have to let them go , just know though that know matter where we end up in this life I will always love you and you will always be my purpose." He told me. "I want you to have this." He said and he gave me a picture of our wedding day. 

"Thank you." I said and we went down stairs. 

"There you are sweetheart." My dad said. 

"Hi dads." I said and gave them a hug. 

"You ready?" My father asked me. 

"Just give me a sec." I said. 

"Okay sweetie." My other dad said and they took my stuff outside. 

I looked at Gracie and she gave me a big hug , 

"I'm going to miss you so much." She cried . 

"Oh sweetie I'm going to miss you too." I said giving her a hug.

I then moved over to Burt and he smiled and gave me hug , 

"Take of Finn and the kids for me." I said . 

"Of course , have a safe trip ."He told me . I smiled and then moved over to Danny and Finn. 

I took Danny and kissed his cheek and said, 

"I love you ." and gave him a hug . 

My dads beeped for me to come out , 

"I'll walk you out." Finn said . 

He gave Danny to Burt and then we walked outside.

"Take care of the kids for me ." I said. 

"Of course." He said . 

I smiled slightly and gave him a hug, 

"Goodbye Finn." I said . 

"Goodbye Rachel." He said and then I got into the car and I looked at him as we left the drive way. 

We were have way down the road and I looked at the photo Finn gave me of our wedding day and then suddenly I heard it our song and it all came back to me in flashes, 


"I will always love you." Finn said  

"I will always love you." I said . 

(Flashback 2)

"Rachel Berry will you marry me?" Finn asked me . 

"Yes!" I said and kissed him passionately.

(Flashback 3) 

"You're my moose." Finn said . 

"It's Muse." I said smiling . 

"I know I just like to see you smile." He said and kissed me passionatley. 

(Flashback 4 )

"We are endgame." Finn said. 

"We are endgame ." I said . 

(End of flashback)

"Stop the car!" I yelled . 

"What!" My dad said slamming the breaks . 

I smiled and got out and I started to run , 

"Rachel where are you going!" My father yelled . 

"To get my family back!" I yelled and kept running in the pouring rain .  

Finns pov:

I was on the porch sitting there in the rain , it's been 5 minutes since Rachel left and I miss her already. I was about to go inside when I heard my name being called , 

"Finn ! Finn!" I heard . 

I looked but it was pouring so hard I couldn't see anything and then suddenly I saw her, 

"Rachel!" I said . 

"Finn!" She yelled . 

It really was her . I smiled and ran out to her with my coat covering me . 

"Rachel what are you doing are you nuts?" I asked her . 

"I remember!" She yelled . 

"What!" I yelled . 

"I remember it all Finn! I remember Gracie , Danny , who I am , but most importantly Ia remember you . I love you Finn and you're my purpose too!" She yelled in the rain smiling. 

I smiled and threw my jacket on the ground and kissed her passionatley just like I've been waiting to do for months. 

"Don't ever leave me again." I said . 

She smiled soaked and wet, 

"Wouldn't dream of it." She said and I picked her up and kissed her passionately . 

The End. 


Hey guys thanks so much for reading I hoped you enjoyed and If you want more of my finchel books just go on my page and every book I have is on there . 



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