Lost Memory

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Chapter 15
Rachels pov:
They say theres a moment between going to heaven and staying down on earth. It's like your body is on the ground and you soul is floating waiting to see what happens next. So what happens next?
"Finn look out!" I yelled as a tree came down in the road.

Finn swerved away from the tree losing control of the wheel and then suddenly we crash and everything went black.
(End of flashback)
Finns pov:
I woke up in a hospital room . Last thing I remembered was driving home and I told Rachel I loved her and then suddenly everything went black. I looked over and Burt was sitting there watching me.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey , how you feeling?" He asked me.

"Wheres Rachel and Gracie? Are they okay?" I asked him .

"Gracies okay. " He told me.

"And Rachel and the baby?" I asked .

He paused and then said,

"They had to do an emergency c section and deliver the baby in order to save Rachel and the baby." He told me .

"So they're okay." I said.

"Not quite , Finn, the babys okay , but Rachel. Rachel lost her memory."

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