Bringing Back Rachel

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Chapter 17
Finns pov:
"Why doesn't she remember me ?" I asked the doctor in his office.

"Mr . Hudson, Rachel suffers from long term memory loss. She doesn't remember the last 5 years." He told told me.

"So she doesn't remember me at all?" I asked.

"No I'm sorry." He said.

"And there's nothing you can do?" I asked him

"The best we can do it to try amd remind her of who she is. Show her pictures of her and her love ones, bring her places that have significant meaning." He said.

"And what if it doesn't work?" I asked him.

He sighed,

"The best thing we can do is to have hope." He said.

I sighed and nodded,

"Thank you but hope won't bring my wife back." I said and got up and left.

I walked into the nursey to see Daniel crying. I walked over to him and picked him up.

"Hey Buddy, it's okay daddy's here. I know your mom doesn't remember us but I promise we're going to get her back." I told him and I kissed his forehead.

(The next day)
I walked into Rachels room the next day to see her all packed and ready.
"Hey." I said.

She jumped,

"Hi,ugh..." She could remember my name.

"Finn." I said.

"Right, sorry." She said.

"Here I'll take your bag." I said.

"Thanks." She said.

I grabbed her bag when she took my hand and said,

"Finn wait!" I turned around and looked at her, "If you're really my husband and everything you say is true I want to remember." She told me.

"I promise Rachel we're going to get you to remember." I said holding her.

"I'm scared Finn." She said .

"I know me too " I said.

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