Don't Worry

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Okay this chapter is for @bruhits_liyah I hope you rlly like it, sorry if it isn't good.. I'm hungry and grumpy rn. But hope you love it!!!


Today is the day I finally go to playlist. I've been waiting so long for this, even though I don't have many fans.. I have tons of supporters. Hopefully I don't get much hate today, I'm really good friends with some broadcasters and youtubers, so usually I get hate for being the less popular.

I looked down at my phone to see a text from Zach. 

Zach- Heyyyyy ready to go? 

Me- Um... halfway through baking.. so no. 

Zach- Huh? You high?!

Me- NO! I'm baking my face... makeup.. ya know? 

Zach- No I don't know... but hurry. I'm on my way!

Me- K. 

I threw my phone back down and ran into my bathroom. I pulled my hair back and wiped away the powder. After putting on a floral dress and my white converse I went downstairs. 

Zach- I'm outside. 

Me- BYE!!! 

Mom- Have fun honey... 

Dad- Be careful. 

I shut the door and ran to his car. 

Me- Hey. 

Zach- Hey. 

Me- I'm scared...

Zach- Don't be. 

Me and Zach have a really... really close relationship. Everyone wants us to date but we are too afraid of the hate. 

Me- What if they find out.1

Zach- Babe they wont. They just think we are close friends. 

Me- .. that's what I'm scared of.. they say we are friends but they all feel we are something more. 

Zach- Its okay Liyah.. I love you either way. If I lose my fans I still have you. 

Me- I love you too. 

We shared a kiss before pulling out. 


Zach- Finally! 

He said opening up our room door. We plopped on the bed and started planning out what we are gonna do. 

Zach- Wanna go meet up with everyone?

Me- Sure. 

I grabbed my bag and grabbed Zach's hand. As soon as we made our way outside tons of fans ripped Zach out of my grip. 

Me- Um.. okay.. 

I said looking down. I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked over. 

Maddie- Hey. 

Me- Hey. 

Maddie- You okay?

Me- I guess so.. I mean I should be used to this now. 

Maddie- Yeah.. well now you have me to talk to. Wanna grab some boba?

Me- They have boba here?!

Maddie- Yeah and its ch-

She was interrupted by fans jumping in between us. 

Fan- OH MY GOSH!!!! I'm Katie!!! Oh my gosh Liyah I love you so much!!!

Me- Huh?? 

Katie- Your so inspiring. This is my friend Elizabeth. 

Elizabeth- Hey!!! I love you both. 

Me and Maddie gave eachother a surprised look. After pictures Zach was finished. 

Me- We didn't even get boba. 

Maddie- Never to late for boba. 

Zach- Listen Liy- 

Me- Its all good. 

Zach- You sure?

Me- Its whatever! Lets just go. 

I faked a smile and went along with it. 


Me- I can't do this. 

Maddie- Yes you can!

Me- No. 

Maddie- Yes. 

Me- Ugh. 

Maddie- Come on! Your gorgeous and your an amazing person inside and out. Who cares if they don't like you... although I'm sure they will. 

I smiled and fixed my hair. 

Me- Okay.. 

Zach was already on stage and now it was Maddie's turn.


Maddie- I'm not goth.. and I'm taller than you. 

I could tell by her voice that she rolled her eyes. 


Zach interrupted him. 

Zach- Lemme handle this one.

Me- What? 

I whispered and started playing with my necklace. 

Zach- Okay. Let me just introduce, well you know who she is. But to me she is way more. She is beautiful, loving, caring, and Liyah has been the best.. I mean, THE absolute best girlfriend. 

There were gasps and awes and cheers. I slowly stepped onto the stage as the cheers became louder. 

Zach- And she is my princess. My whole world. Come here baby girl. 

He patted his lap and slowly walked to him. 

Zach- I love youuuuu... 

He sang. 

Me- I love you. 

I giggled as he pulled me into a hug then a passionate kiss. 


Woah I got in my feelings writing that. But I rlly hope you like it!!! Comment if you did! IM SO SORRY I MIXED LIYAH'S NAME UP WITH KRYSTAL.. 

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