Cheater pt. 1

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This chapter is for Kaylin_Clayton I hope you like it!

"Can you come onto the stage beautiful?"

That was the day Zach and I first met. I love him so much but he is soooo clingy and it gets annoying sometimes..

Zach- Hey!

Me- Hey..

I ran a hand through my hair and lowkey rolled my eyes. Zach gripped onto my hand and I squirmed.

Zach- You okay?

Me- Yeah... Where is everyone.

Zach- Downstairs.

Me- Oh.. I'll be down in a minute.

He smiled before going down stair. I pulled out my phone and texted Nick.

Me- Come upstairs.

Nick- Be right there.


When he came up I firmly kissed his lips.

Me- How much longer until Zach notices?

Nick- He can't know. He will hate you... and even worse hate me.

Me- Ugh.. but I wanna be with you.. Your so.. damn..

He chuckled before kissing me back.

Nick- Come on.. he is probably suspecting something is up.

I sighed following him down the stairs.


Zach- What just happened?

Me- Huh?

Zach- You took forever.

Me- Sorry I was thirsty.

Zach- There is drinks down here. And Nick.. you came down with her...

Nick- Chill bro, she wasn't down here and I got worried.

Zach- Mhm... I got her. Babe you okay?

Me- Yeah.

I sighed hugging him. I could tell he was relived. Zach is very short so its awkward when we hug.. We are the same height and usually the girl in the relationship is shorter.

Zach- Baby did anything happen?

Me- No. Why the sudden interest in Nick?

Zach- I don't want him trying anything.

Me- Don't worry. I'm yours. Yours only.

I kissed his jawline to reassure him.


Zach- Everyone is going to the movies but I'm gonna stay with Edwin..

Me- You sure?

Zach- Yeah babe go have fun. Maddie is waiting.

Me- Love you.

Zach- Love you too.

I hated lying to him but I don't like seeing him upset with me and especially his bestfriend. Maddie rented a huge van so there is enough room for all of us. I sat in the very back with Nick, Maddie drove and Timmy sat next to her, then Rudan sat next to Loren and Geo. (OML LEO)

Nick- Baby you look hot.

Me- Shut up. They might here us.

Nick- Now whose the paranoid one?

Me- Whatever.

I giggled and rolled my eyes as his hand was placed onto my thigh. He squeezed and I smirked. Nobody could see since it was pitch black outside and her car lights were off. His started stroking my leg and he kissed my neck.

Me- Nick. Not here.

I accidentally moaned and Loren looked back. She had a shocked impression on her face.

Me- Loren please...

She nodded and turned around. I seen her immediately whisper to Geo, but maybe not about Nick and I... I hope not.


Guys! I'm soooo tired I hope you liked part 1.. there was a cliff hanger thoooo. I promise I will post part 2 soon Kaylin!! I'm sorry!!

Zach Clayton ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt