Happy Birthday

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This chapter goes out to @yariekrystal I hope you like it!!


I woke up almost forgetting it was my birthday. I stood up and threw on a sweater with leggings.

Mom- Happy birthday baby.

Dad- Happy birthday.

They both pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

Me- Okay... okay.

I said rolling my eyes.

Me- Can I go out today?

Mom- Whatever honey.. Its your birthday.

Dad- Where are yo-

Mom- Its her birthday let her have fun!

I smiled and skipped up the steps. I pulled out my phone noticing all of the birthday wishes I had been getting. I smiled and started to respond.

Miranda- Happy birthday!!!

Me- Thanks! Are you busy today?

Miranda- Nope.

Me- Cool. Pick me up later?

Miranda- Sure.. what time.

Me- Maybe 6? We can chill or something.

Miranda- Alright see you then!


After responding to most people I clicked on Zach's name.

Zach- Happy birthday my beautiful best friend!

I smiled before responding.

Me- Thanks!

Zach- Stop growing up.

Me- How.

Zach- I don't know! I just want you to stay my little Krystal you've always been.

Me- Whatever Zachypoo.

I put my phone down and started to get ready. I wake up late. I woke up at three today.


After showering and brushing my teeth my pulled my hair up and threw on a dress. I slid on my flats and grabbed my bag.

Me- See ya!

I said waving to my parents.

Mom- Have fun!

Dad- Not to late!

I heard my mom start yelling at my dad and I giggled walking to Miranda's car.

Miranda- Hey. Wanna get something to eat?

Me- Sure.

She stopped at Starbucks and we walked in.

Me- I'll have a Carmel Latte for Krystal.

Miranda- And I'll have a Cotton Candy Frap for Miranda.


After we ordered our drinks and two cupcakes we sat down.

Miranda- Damnit I forgot my bag at home.

Me- Lets go get it.


She drove me to her house and we started looking for her bag. Soon the lights shut out.

Me- Miranda?! Hello?!

I started scattering around her furniture.


I turned around and the lights were on and my friends were laughing.

Me- Wait what?!

Miranda- Me and Zach wanted to do something special for you!

Me- Thanks guys!

I ran up to Zach jumping in his arms.

Zach- It's your day beautiful. Enjoy it.

He said before randomly placing a kiss on my lips.

Me- What was that for?

Zach- Surprise...

He awkwardly laughed.

Zach- I really like you Krystal... If you couldn't tell, I've wanted to be with you for a while now.

Me- Then what are you waiting for?

Zach- Krystal.. Will you do me the AMAZING honor of being my girlfriend?

Me- Yes!


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