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Okay this chapter is for lowkeyclxyton sorry I haven't posted in a while and that I'm just now viewing these comments. Hope you still love it


Me- Zach where are we going???

Zach- Baby just wait.

I felt tingles trail through my body as he placed one hand on my waist as the other stayed over my eyes. I giggled at how excited he was.

Zach- Okay...

He removed his hand and I felt all my childhood memories pass my mind. 

Me- You didn't...

Zach- I did.

He chuckled. 

Zach- Come on slow poke I wanna get cotton candy. 

Me- You just took me out for dinner...

Zach- So what, I love food. 

He ran up to a booth with food and stuffed animals. He picked up a giant 'nest' (Idek) of rainbow dyed cotton candy.

Me- Okay but you need to share. 

Zach- You have to... COME GET IT FIRST!!

He screamed running around the carnival as cotton started to untangle from it. 


He cried as half of the 'nest/swab' (idek) fell off. 

Me- Thats what you get for not sharing. 

I taunted him running into the "Wacky House" It was full of games and different mirror that make you look like an actuall troll. 

Zach- Oh my god Ariel!!

He threw himself onto the ground laughing. I turned around and my body was deformed in one of the mirrors. 

Me- Ugh. Not funny. 

I rolled my eyes holding in a giggle. 

Zach- I know you wanna laugh. 

He said getting closer to me. 

Me- Nope..

Zach- mhm... yes you do...

Me- I.. no.. not at all.. won't budge. 

Zach's hands slipped around my waist pulling me close. I smiled before slipping out of his arms and running into the room of mirrors. After bumping into a couple of mirrors I found a spot to sit and wait until he found me. 

Zach- ARIEL??????? BABE???? BABY GIRL????

I covered my mouth to prevent myself from laughing as I watched him tumble into mirrors. 



I stuck out my bottom lip. He pushed his lips to mine biting it causing shivers to tingle down my spine. 

Me- Okay hot guy not too much. We are at a carnival. 

His lips went to my neck. 

Zach- Don't worry. I have something special. 

He pulled me to the Ferris Wheel and we waited in line. 

Me- What is the surprise?

Zach- It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you. 

He smirked and I started to wonder what it was. Was he gonna tell me something? Ask me something? At this point in our friendship it could be anything. Zach and I agreed not to take it to a dating level, although we kiss and stuff we can call each other boyfriend and girlfriend but we wouldn't want a serious relationship right now. 


As soon as we got at the top, the ride stopped. 

Me- Wha?

I was interrupted by Zach grabbing my hands and facing me. 

Zach- Ariel... you have been my best friend for a very long time now, I bet every single guy that has hurt you said your beautiful, sweet, kind, funny, talented, and that they would keep you forever and never break your heart. But what happened? They ended up breaking your precious heart. Ariel, I just want you to know everything I have said to you, given you, and done to you (Kisses etc), is all from my heart. I do think your gorgeous but that doesn't matter to me. Your the only special girl in my life and I love having you in it. But... I really, really wanna start something with you. Unless I'm going to fast.. but I would love to have you finally become my girlfrien-

I interrupted him by smashing my lips into his. We kissed for a while until the ride started moving again. 

Zach- Um... so was that a yes?

Me- Yes...


I hope you liked itttttttttt❤️I Spent a lot of time working on how I was gonna turn this into something really cute and funny, hope you liked it though,  LOVE YOU GUYS!

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