Total Embarrassment

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A/N: IM BACK BITCHES! This chapter has a lot of Mexican culture/names in it so please don't get offended if I use it in the wrong way or if I say something that seems racist. I love all genders, sexes, etc. Hope ya'll enjoy!

This chapter goes out to justineqreyes I hope you love this chapter sooo much and have fun reading it!


Today was the best day of my life. My Quinceañera... I have waited so long for this day and I want it to be perfect. 

Mom- HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHICA!! (Idk if thats how you spell it, I'm so sorry!)

Me- Ughhh. 

I wined sitting up in my large bed. I wiped my eyes before noticing what day it was. I jumped up and hugged my mom avoiding the cupcake she was holding in her hand. I smiled as I took a bite. 

Me- Mhhhhh... Thanks Madre. 

She hated when I called her that. She liked 'mama' and 'papa' more but I'd rather say 'madre' and 'padre'. She shook her head and chuckled before exiting my room. I had multiply snapchats but I ignored them knowing they were all just birthday wishes. The only one I wanted to open was Zach's. We have been in a relationship for a very long time and he is going to meet my parent's for the first time today. 

Zach- Morning beautiful! 

Zach- Wake up baby. 


Zach- YOUR 16!!!

I smiled and texted back. 

Me- Morning handsome! Thanks, gonna make it today?

Zach- Of course, but don't worry about me. I want you to be care free today. 

Me- Whatever Zachy Poo. See ya later. Picking you guys up in my uncles limbo. 

I sat my phone down and danced to my bathroom. I obviously jumped into the shower and cleaned up. After washing my hair/body I threw towels over both. I finished drying and I ran to my closet. I put on a set which came with a PINK bralette and a lace cheeksters. (Comment if you know what these are. I want a brallete but I have cheeksters!!!) I finally managed to slip on my big puffy dress. I slipped on my heels and went downstairs. 

(A/N: Guys I'm sorry I don't know how to prepare for a Quiencenera (Idk if thats how you spell it) or how one plays out. I've never seen one, been at one, or had one. I'm so sorry.)

Once we pulled up to Zach's house I knocked waiting like a princess. My mother had done my makeup before we left. 


I hid my face and turned away. Everyone awed at us and all I could do was blush. 

Me- You ready?

Zach- Kinda. 

Me- Don't be scared. My parent's will love you. They don't love the fact that I never told them about you... but they will love you!

Zach's expresion changed. 

Zach- Wait! They don't even know I'm coming. Oh jesus. 

He started using his girl voice and fake crying. I started giggling. 

Me- Don't worry! I told them there will be a surprise guest. 

Zach- Oh thank god. 

He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. 


All of my friends unloaded the limo letting me get out last so I was the star. My family started taking pictures of me. I felt like I was at the red carpet. 

Me- Oh stop it. No flash photagraphy. 

I joked and my family actually stopped. 

Me- No I want more pictures! 

I chuckled as my father hugged me. 

Me- Hey padre! Did you meet him? 

Padre- Him?! What do you-

Me- Padre calm down. It's just Zach. I love him and he loves me. 

My father smiled and went up to Zach. 

Padre- Nice to meet you young man. 

Zach- Hi. Nice to meet you sir. 

His voice quivered and I rolled my eyes. After my mom and Zach greeted eachother my parents went off to have a conversation. 

(A/N: I know I keep making these but I am sorry if it gets boring I am so tired and I have a lot on my hands at the moment.) 

Everyone started dancing as the music blasted. 


Madre- Attention?! May I have all eyes up here?!

Everyone looked up at her and I knew I was about to be embarrassed. 

Madre- Her father has prepared a speech and he is here to talk for you all. 

Her voice was all shaky and her words were jumbled up. I could tell she was about to cry. My face went red as soon as my dad started speaking. 

Padre- Hello my beautiful baby.. I love you so much. Pay attention now.. To be the father of a daughter is overwhelming. I probably wasn't much help to your mom in helping you overcome issues that girls your age go through, but you were probably better off without my advice. After all these years of being your dad I still don't understand much about that sort of girl stuff. But I do know this: that you are beautiful.

That's the first thought that came to my mind when you were born. And all these years that I've watched you looking at yourself in the mirror, I hoped that you were thinking what I was thinking, and that is that you are as perfect as can be. I hope that in that reflection you see a bright, wonderful young lady that has her entire life ahead of her. I hope that what you see starring back at you is life, happiness and joy. Today, your friends and family surround you as you begin a new stage in your life. Remember your promises, remember your goals, and remember that you are beautiful inside and out. I love you, Justine. 

I noticed I had tears streaming down my face. But they were tears of joy... my heart was overwhelmed with happiness and everyone was cooing at me telling me its okay. 

Me- I love you too padre!!! 

I hid my face and everyone started laughing making my cheeks turn an even brighter red. 

Me- Guys stop it..... 

I wined as Zach walked up to me. He grabbed my hands and got down on one knee. 

Me- Oh god...

Zach- Justine, we have been friends longer than we have been in a relationship... I know we are so young and your probably not even thinking about this but... I really love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Don't worry. This is just a promise I am making to you. I am promising to keep you in my life no matter what. No matter how many fights we get into or how many times we take a break, I will always love you and one day I will marry you... just know that I keep my promises. 

He held up his pinky and I held mine and they locked. He placed the shiny ring onto my finger and I blushed throwing myself into his arms. My family had been taking pictures and some of them were even crying. 


My eyes widened and I rolled my eyes in embarrassment. Today was a day to remember and I can never forget it. I love Zachary Reed Clayton. 


I hope you liked ittttttttt!!! 

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