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ENTRY: 1/1/18

The world is contaminated with harmful, mean, ungrateful, selfish human beans that are driven by greed, power, money, and the idea of being known. In all reality, nobody can change someones mindset completely. They can persuade, show, and exemplify what is right and that is all. The person, in the wrong, chooses whether they want to follow the way that is right or wrong. They make that decision on their own. You cannot do that for them. To force someone to do something is trying to take control over them and their own decisions and in all honesty, your only one person not two so you don't get to choose.


Sometimes, I wonder what has become of the world that we know. The world was never perfect either(ither) but over the years, decades, centuries, it's grown to be worst and people are growing to be accustomed to it. That's the mistake people make to others. They compare and make comparisons from themselves to other people and other people to other people.

~Charlie's Point of View~

There! My diary entry is complete for today. My diary is where I let my opinions, emotions and thoughts run free. The things I feel deep down within me are released. It may not be someone to talk to but I get it out. Nobody would really care anyway that's just reality. It would only give me pity in which I don't want. I want a friend. Someone who cares to talk to. The only friend I have is a notepad and a pen. It'll be alright though because things always get better.

Walking down the spiral of stairs that lead to the living room I walk outside with socks, nike slippers, a pair of sweat pants, and my dads big white t-shirt on. It may be ugly but it's comfy. I feel comfortable so I can wear it. Why does it have to look good? So people will not think of me as a 'bum', 'like nobody loves me' or my favorite 'a dirty gurl'. I shouldn't have to care about what I'm wearing as long as it isn't innapropriate. This is the perfect type of outfit for taking a late night walk.. I mean a 6pm walk.. I just sleep early. I believe that people should dress for the occasion not to 'turn heads' all of the time.

Turning around a corner after about two hours of walking around, taking time to observe everything and everyone, thinking of all the positive aspects in life and just clearing my head, I come to a stop in front of a park bench. Right now it's dark and I should head home, but I don't like the feeling of that so called 'home' of mine. It doesn't feel like a place where love is shared or where happy memories were formed. It feels like a lonely pit of emptiness that gnaws at my heart and soul, clawing at my chest until I take that last breath and cave in, Letting it consume me. I'm still here though. I have to keep reminding myself. I'm good. I'm fine. I'm alright. Everything will get better with time.

On the park bench is a black hooded figure wrapped within it's self sleeping. The figure's soft snores sound like the ones Spongebob makes, more like sighing instead of an unconcious sound from a sleeping persons mouth. The hooded figure's chest rise up and down with the melody of it's snores. I really hate to disturb a person's nap but it's going to get cold out here really soon. They have to head home.

"Hey Mister....Hey Wake Up." I shake the figure only for it to roll over on it's back. I have a clear view of the person's face now. It's a boy named Alex from my History class. I only have one class with him, excluding gym, lunch, and free period, because all of my classes are advanced except History. I do not exceed in that subject because I hate it,. I can't remember all the dates, I'm not a calender they can make a permanent make on. I never liked History. I loved learning about it but never taking test because they are filled with DATES not what actually happened most of the time. The way the history teachers teach are so uninteresting too. They don't spark it they just send it but that's all they get paid to do I guess. Honestly, I think that's lazy and inconsiderate to the student. Especially, as kids, we want something to spark our interest not unplug our ...plug from the circuit.

"Alex wake up." I shake him again. He opens his eyes and shoots up smacking my hand down off of his shoulder in the process. I'm now face to chin with him. He looks down glaring at me and I look up smiling at him. "What do you want?" He snarls at me. My smile doesn't falter not even in the slightest. I never know what happens in his life. Maybe he let something bad consume him. I won't let it get me though. Cuz I'm the gingerbread man

"You were sleeping on the park bench Alex." I say with an eyebrow raised and a smile pointing to the bench. He looks at me like I've grown an extra head just now then "I know that smartass." He holds up his glare unwavering as I do my smile.

"Alex I wanted to get you up because it's getting dark and cold soon and I thought you would like to head home maybe. I'm sorry if you wanted to stay a little longer." I explain myself genuinely sorry if I had ruined his slumber and he wanted to stay a while longer.

His glares loosens a little but it's not gone from trying to burn a hole in my face. "I wanted to stay a little while longer." He grits out. I don't understand why he's so angry I haven't done anything extremely bad.

I give him one last fleeting smile and say "Okay, Alex. It going to get cold out soon though. Bye!" When I walked away, don't think I didn't notice the small liquor bottle on the ground just beneath the bench. Don't think I didn't take notice of Alex's slightly tinted red eyes. And don't think I didn't notice Alex's breath and the slight stumble he had when getting off the bench. At least he doesn't slur. Maybe he slept the slur off.

Just don't think I didn't notice though. Don't think I didn't notice. I rather not say anything. I won't say anything to anyone. It's not my business to tell anyone.

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