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Luke Brooks as Tyler

                                  CHARLIE'S Point of View

                    After the incident with Alex, the rest of the day went by with no sign of Cathy, Mel or even Alex himself. I was glad. Cathy and Mel, the whole school was their posse even the ones they bullied. They haven't showed their faces to anyone today except for their boyfriends who they would occasionally suck faces with. Alex seemed unfazed with the whole ideal and my bruised forearm that every time I move it I wince(he gripped it that hard), but I can feel that his eyes would occasionally drift to me where I was seated all the way in the back and study me. As soon as his eyes would burn questioning glares into the side of my face, I'd turned to give him a friendly but knowing smile. He'd scowl at me and my face muttering a 'preppy bitch' under his breath turning back to his two friends that consisted of Myles and Tyler.. The only people he'd usually talk to or even associate himself with. Tyler had a lip ring and very serious intimidating features. His hair was in an all black quiff except for the top that was a shade of a light blue. Myles had unruly straight hair that stuck up like pins all over his head but it was somehow someway nice, but he doesn't have spikes. Myles had a standoffish aura that screamed don't get too close. When he talks he has a the thickest British accent and I can't help but let out the tiniest little squeal every time I hear him talk.  Alex looks the friendliest but he isn't. That's what it SEEMS doesn't mean it's true. From what I see, Alex is the middle man, Myles is quiet I rarely see him talk besides the casual input, joke or laugh, and Tyler seems the nicest. He's extremely goofy and lovable.

     I went along sitting in the back of the class watching everything unfold in front of me. I know it's wrong, but I listen to the secrets of everyone, but I don't say anything or hold it against them. I'm just curious. You know they say that killed the cat, but I'm not a cat...

"Did you hear Delila sucked Alex off in the Janitor's Closet? What a slut. That's not even her boyfriend."

I will not comment on that

"Cathy got burned by the Golden Girl."

How the frickle doodles did I BURN cathy? I didn't insult her or make her feel bad about herself. I stated facts.. and I stated them as sweetly as possible.

"I don't know about you but I ship Myler."

Both of them like women though?.... But I think I'm on board with that ship.

"GOLDEN GIRL isn't so golden. I saw her talking to Alex." and I really like the person sitting next to them because they said this "So. Talking not sucking his dick in the janitors closet."

Took the words out of my fricken mouth.

             I sat back with my legs stretched out and just observed. Observed every single detail, motion, and movement in everything and everyone. I noticed George, a kid who've I've become very fond of because the way he carries himself and his helpfulness to everyone. He's real naive too. He doesn't even understand sarcasm, well most of the time, George had a frown on his face looking down at his desk in free period and eyes glossed over nobody talking or even acknowledging him, but he doesn't know I notice him.. EVERY SINGLE DAY. He's a really nice kid. He has a mop of light red _ginger_ unruly curls and braces that were all silver with nearly perfect teeth except for two on the bottom. The braces have really done him well. He also has little puffy cheeks and  he's tall and lanky, but we all know he's going to grow some weight and muscles with his broad shoulders soon.

             "Hey George." I whisper to him playfully. Without even looking up he flinches waiting for a spitball or something to be thrown. "Yes?" he replies

            "Can I sit with you?" I ask him tentatively.I wouldn't mind talking to him. He finally looks up wiping his eyes with his sleeve first. His eyes don't hold it's usual sparkling glow. It's dim and drained. He smiles brightly at the sight of my face and motions me over. "Yea sure Charlie." and.. The glistening sparks are back. Hell Yes, he's happy again. Yes! SCORE! The last thing I want is for someone to be sad or lonely. It doesn't feel good being lonely. It mentally and physically beats you down. George voice is really deep too. He sounds like a grown man already.

         I get up from my seat and jog over one table down and sit next to him in the empty seat beside him. I shoot him a friendly smile in which he returns. "George, okay so I wanted to ask you what do you think you'll get on that biology project because I know it going to be hard as hell."

         His smiles weakens a little bit and mine doesn't drop but I furrow my brows. "Oh, Charlie if you want me to do your project it's okay. Your nicer than most anyway.At least you try to make conversation." He shrugs while looking down. George is cute as hell to me. I'M JUST SAYING.

        "Oh my god how did you you know? What? I don't want you to do my project." I say humor in my tune. He has to be joking. The first part was sarcasm and I know he caught on after I said it because his glum expression returned and then left again.

        "Oh I'm sorry I said anything than Charlie.I'm just so used to.. people.." He looks up again only apologetically this time.

       "It's okay. I know what you mean and I'm sorry you have to go through that, next time don't do it George no matter what. But, anyways I wanted to ask what do you think your going to get because I wanted to see if you wanted to be my partner. Wouldn't want somebody who's not going to put in equal effort right?" I say ending with a playful pointed look. Did I mention I'm awkward when having a regular conversation? George doesn't seem to mind though.

         He smiles widely when giving his reply "Sure Charlie." He nods after saying sure.

       "Alright I think we get the assignment today. We can do it at my house if you'd like. Then, afterwards we can hang out. Sound good?" I suggest to him. He looks astonished beyond belief. I have to admit it's funny and cute. He has a little blush and everything. I refrain from ruffling his hair or pinching his cheeks. I'm serious he is the epitome of adorable.

        "Hang Out?" He asks eyebrows raised looking skeptical if I'm lying. I nod at him slowly. "Sure Charlie. Sounds good to me."

        "Alright. I'll see you later on because we are the last ones in class." I say pointing to the student that just left. He nods and we part ways.

          In all honesty, I'm extremely glad he said yes. I love being around people. Especially, nice people like George. To have someone in the home to fill the eerie slow never ending silence is more than enough for me. I won't feel as lonely as I usually do today. I'm looking forward to the end of the school day for the first day ever.

        In school, people surround you and you have to be around them. Sometime you have to associate with them. School is the only place where I'm not alone. Well I am because I rarely ever engage myself into social lives or conversations. But there's people surrounding me. At least I'm not stuck in the house alone. I don't like the feeling in the house. It just smothers me there. NOT TODAY!

         George is Coming over!

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