Monday Mornings and Yawnings

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Important chapter. Not Crucial but yeah. Read it because it'll give you a better prospective of a new character!

         Sharon's Point of View

     He still hasn't come back. My true love, the one I've fell in love with. All the years we've spent together he just leave. When I needed him most. He doesn't even call to see if me or his son is doing well. We could be dead. He wouldn't care. There's still hope that he will come back one day.

        Alex, seems to be doing fine without him. I should get over it too but I can't. I know Alex partly blamed me for his dad leaving and I can't face him. He's been gone for three days now. Probably at a friends. He knows the number if shit hits the fan. He's a big boy now.


      Alex's Point of View

          After last night, I can only hope I've cleared the air with Charlie. To her.. I don't know I just don't want her to see the monster I am. The storm brewing behind my eyes or the pleasure I get from stalking the innocent and pouncing. Like I've done to her but she was too clever. She won't be caught. Ever.

       I guess the want to feel accepted by Charlie comes from her being the nicest in the world, seeing the good in everyone. If a person who is that level of kind can't be kind to you. It's simple, your a complete monster. Consumed by nothing but dark winds and clouds waiting for a storm to come so you can watch in amusement to see somebody get stroked by lightning. As much as I thought I was gone, enjoying seeing people frown, she didn't see me like that. Everybody else did, but not her.

     I scoff to myself, go for something out of the popular belief instead of making life easier.

         I wound up going home around 6pm and climbed through my bedroom window. That night, I slept soundly. The insomnia, not gnawing at my mind and letting me rest. Letting me drift into a dreamless sleep.

         Today is Monday morning. I actually want to go to school. It is not because I'm looking forward to see Charlie. Definitely not. I just feel the urge to learn boring ass history today and shove that large ass textbook up the teachers ass. It'll be the only action Ms.Dodgers got anyway.

            I walked slowly to school.. Let me stop. Listen y'all I'm about to break the fourth wall here. I am happy as when the boy in American Pie first got laid for the first time. I want to see Charlie and I want to hang out with her again. I want to have somebody who doesn't want to suck my balls into their mouth every time they see me   or someone who doesn't see me as dark and gloomy. Someone who will take my bullshit. Someone who cares.

     Alright I'm putting the fourth wall back up you guys... Let's continue cause y'all faces is ugh.

       *Author- shut the fuck up Alex before I kill you in a tragic accident.

       Back to the story...

     I finally get into the hallways of the school and stop in my tracks. Charlie's there.. By her locker... smiling at George. She's still friend with him. Well gosh. I really did underestimate her.

       I head to Tyler and Myles. Of course Tyler is the first to talk. He leans over to whisper in Myles ear. Of course, Myles moves away because he doesn't like anyone in his personal space. Except Charlie.

       Tyler pays no attention to that. "See that bitch walking over to us. Yeah that one, the tree humping hoe bag. I saw him all up on the tree outside. Mmmhm. I feel bad for it. Just look at him. He looks like a pedo. Uncle Bob ass-"

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