" Hey Bieber, I'm your # 1 fan, love me!"
"Ummm... let me check you out first to see if you're actually number one in my perspective, ok girl."
"Omg please check me out!"
"Hey,don't push it lady! Let me see here, oh ok you have huge melons,bigger than Miley Cyrus's. Your ass is wide af and your thighs and stomach are fine, but you aren't # 1."
"Loovvee meeeeeeee!"
" Uh No,but I have to take a piss in a mop bucket at a restaurant. My gosh, girls these days,they're not even woman."
"Sir, Snoop Dog wants to see you tonight for dinner."
"He's cool and all,but why?"
"For music industry stuff you two only know."
"Oh shit,that's right, Selena,Taylor,Snoop,and me are shooting a music video in the ghetto part of California!"
"Bill, tell Snoop I'll be there at seven!"
"Ok boss!"
~seven o'clock~"Hey Snoop,what's up!"
"You know what's up!"
"No,other than the music video."
"Oh yeah,I'm just at bars these days!"
"What a waste of time,money,and life!"
"Watch what you say dumbass! Hey the waitress is coming soon,what do you want."
" Cheese fries, a double patty cheeseburger,and a vanilla shake."
"Man, white people be ordering the same shit every time!"
"Hello,I'm your waitress for tonight what would you like to order!"
"Yeah,can Bieb's here have an average white man dinner!"
"So,a double patty cheeseburger,cheese fries,and a vanilla shake!"
"Ok,and what about you!"
"May I have fried chicken, grape soda,and for the side watermelon."
"Or your average black man meal!"
"Shut the hell up Bieber!"
"Alright, your meals will be up in 30 minutes!"~5 mins later~
"Hey Bieb's, what the hell you doing peeing in a mop bucket!"
"Well I told one of my fans I had to go to a restaurant and pee in a mop bucket, but I was kidding and when you called I thought I could just do it anyway!"
"Oh shit!"
"What Snoop!"
"The paparazzi are here, quick pop your balls back in your pants before they take pics!"
"Hey guys,I got a picture lets go!"
"Damnit Bieb's , what're you trying to do here, get yo self into juvie😡!
~ 25 mins later~
" Ok, so here's your average white and black man meal!"
"Thank you,miss!"
"Yeah, thanks sexy!"
"Bieber get a damn hold of yourself, are you drunk?"
"Yeah, I drank a whole liter of alcohol after Bill told me we were going to be talking about the music video."
"Ok, eat up and afterwards I'll take your drunk ass home!"
"O-O-K-K to the Jay Jay!"
" Whatta you tryin to do here, make a rap song, yo ass is in big danger cuz of how drunk you are now."
Later that night, Justin went on top of the restaurant roof and jumped off for the attention of a fine looking girl,who happened to be the fan he met earlier. Snoop Dog did take Justin home safely though, and told him not to pull of shit like that when Bieb's is around Snoop.
End Note
Thanks for reading, 💙 you people so much! For those of you who don't know, Bieber actually did pee in a mop bucket at a restaurant one night and the paparazzi did catch it.
Little Stories
RandomA book filled with series of diffrent genres that you'll enjoy when you're bored. A book that you may say wtf to for many chapters. Little Stories.