What is your favorite game from the list.
• Final Fantasy (series)
•Kingdom Hearts
• Legends of Zelda
• Call of Duty (series)
• Destiny
• Dishonored (series)
• Assassins Creed (series)
• Halo (series)
• Mario Cart
• Mortal Combat
• Lego Marvel / D.C Lego
• Far Cry (series)
• Mine Craft
• Roblox
• Clash of Clans / Clash Royal
• GTA (series)
• Undertale
• Five Nights at Freddie's (fnaf| series)
• Other (list your favorite game)
- The games listed were the games I knew. I do know more like the Kirby series, the Mario game series, Happy Wheels, and more.
| My Favorites| Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Legends of Zelda. (I don't really know Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy very well but I know enough to where I can list them as my favorites) |
Little Stories
RandomA book filled with series of diffrent genres that you'll enjoy when you're bored. A book that you may say wtf to for many chapters. Little Stories.