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"Elmo your fired and you too Barney!

"Where are we gonna go now Elmo?"

"You shut the fuck up you purple pedophile!"

"Geez just asking."

"Geez just asking." (Mockery)

"Hey boys!" (Grell)

"Who the hell are you?"

"I'm Grell,you cute red fur ball."

"Why are you here?"

"Well, you purple dino, I'm here to save you two from debt. I heard you two talking about where to go!"

" Uhh yeah, do you have a place to live?" (Elmo)

"Yes, a matter of fact I do, an insane mental asylum!"

"We'll take it!"

"Ok,you purple pedophile."

~ 2 months later~

"Elmo where are you?"

"Barney I'm here just follow my voice!"


" Now it's your turn, you fuzzy mutated sexy red fuck!"

" Ok why do you have a chainsaw?"

"I'm a grim reaper, so we use a death scythe to kill our victims. Time to die sweetheart!"

Grelle ties Elmo up to a metal-bloody cutting board.

"Why are you starting to cut from my balls and up?"

"Just for the fun of my favorite victim of the month!"

"Wait you kill people every month?"

"Everyday! Get ready for the penis cut and I want to do this slowly so I can enjoy it!"

Chainsaw cuts through Elmoe's ball.

"Ahhhhhhhh, mother fucker, stop!

Sebastian enters the room and Grelle blushes and asks why he's here. Sebastian replies, " To simply help kill!"

"Oh Bassy, that's so kind!"

" Listen I'm only here because I'm bored you red fabulous person.

Sebastian and Grelle happily teared Elmo up into bloody shreds of red fur and what they knew was cloth and cardboard. They questioned the fact to why there was blood in the red mutated tomato puppet,but didn't want to know at the same time.

Sebastian Michaelis

Sebastian Michaelis

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