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"That dog's name was Tobias. And my grandparent's surname was Johnson. Wait those, were two hints." He leans back, frowning at his own stupidity. I blink a few times, before pushing the stranger away from me. He stumbles backwards confused and shocked at my outburst.

"First of all, don't come this close to me ever again." I say through gritted teeth, because he let me drive all the way to his grandparents' property, just so I can pick up Tobias' stuff and then what? Hand it all over to him? But I was just warming up to that dog. I already made a schedule in my head on how I'd keep him and my job.

"Secondly, why didn't you tell me that before I took him home with me?" I ask, running a shaky hand through my hair. I don't want to give him up just yet. He is so sad and I made it my mission to make him feel better.

"At that time, I didn't know you had him. I also didn't know who you were, until my grandma's lawyer told me about you." He shrugs, leaning against the wall next to my door. I frown at him. What?

"Mister Thomas gave away my address?" I ask in disbelieve. I'm pretty sure that's not legal.
"No, he gave me your name and I googled you. The rest was easy." He tells me. So there's my address on the internet? Message to myself: Google Hannah Summer.

"And what exactly do you want from me now? I have the legacy of Tobias. It's written black on white, just go ask Mister Thomas." I say, realizing I don't have to give him to that stranger, whose name I still don't know.

"I know, he showed me the signed papers. But if you would've read the whole testament it says my name. And I got the legacy of Tobias as well, it's written black on white too. Here." He pulls a scrambled paper out of his inner coat pocket and hands it to me. I give him a flat look, thinking that if this paper really was a testament, he should be a little more careful, not just throw it into his pocket.

"It's my grandfather's testament and if you look at the end of the paper, it says your name as well." He says, once I glanced at the paper. I'm not about to read the whole testament, so I just skip to the end of it. There it is, my name. Right next to his name.

"Elias Coleman." I say, tasting out how to pronounce his name.
"That's me, hi." I look up to see him offering his hand and I decided to put the anger I felt towards him aside and act like a responsible adult for once.

"Hannah Summer." I shake his hand, making him smile. This time it's a real one and still breathtaking. I clear my throat and pull my hand away.
"So, what now?" I ask after an awkward pause. He shrugs and walks back into my living room, before sitting down on my couch.

"I'm glad you feel comfortable on my couch, but I think you should go and we could meet tomorrow morning? Because I'm really tired and it's late too." I say and he shrugs, before standing up again.

"I guess you're right." He sighs, making me frown at his tone. But I follow him back towards my front door, hoping I'd finally get back to trying to convince Tobias to eat. He turns around, before I even get to the door.

"Can I see him? I mean, I did see him a few months ago, but it feels like I haven't seen him in ages." He says, running a hand through his hair, showing me just how nervous he was about asking me that. Who am I to deny him a look at his old buddy? I mean, yes I'm kind of upset at him, but I'm not a monster.

"Yes, but he's somewhere in my bedroom." I say, turning to walk towards my bedroom, thinking he'd wait till I got him out. I opened the door and turned on the lights to see Tobias mourning form in front of my window. I was about to step in, when I felt the guy- Elias gently pushing me aside and rushing over to Tobias. I didn't even know he was following me.

"Hey, boy." I hear him say, just when I was about to yell at him for walking in without my permission. But when I saw Tobias looking back at him and somehow it gave me the feeling that he was waiting for him to pet him, I stopped myself.

My face softens when I see Elias kneeling down to pet Tobias. He gently runs his fingers down to Tobias' back and pats it. I feel like an intruder in my own apartment, knowing I should leave them alone. I quietly step away from the scene and walk back to sit on my couch.

I just sigh and hope he doesn't get into my underwear or anything. Trusting people was never my best quality. Which makes it even weirder for me to trust a stranger. Especially someone like Elias. I guess I could call him an acquaintance now, since he's already in my bedroom.

I smile at my simple joke and look towards the bedroom door. With all the anger that I felt towards Elias, I didn't realize that he too, lost somebody important in his life. Just like Tobias. From what he told me, his grandparents and parents didn't get along. But he said he saw Tobias a few months ago, so either he visited her or his parents and Misses Johnson made up.

Either way, he lost his grandmother. I know how he must feel, even though he doesn't really show it. Due to his cocky and obnoxious behaviour this morning, he made it impossible for me to even think about his situation. I know I shouldn't judge people so quickly and I actually feel bad for snapping at him most of the time.

I decided to give him a few more minutes with Tobias and made myself a cup of late night tea. Not really late night, since it's only- I look up at the clock that is hanging above the TV and gasp. It's already past ten. Where did the time go?

I still made myself a cup, knowing I wouldn't get sleep tonight if I drink something hot, but what am I supposed to do? I have a feeling that the stranger-acquaintance, I just let into my apartment is going to stay longer than I want him too. And I'm just not able to kick him out after all that I just found out.

The teakettle makes this high noise, pulling me back to reality. I quickly turn it off and pour the hot water into the cup, where a teabag is already put in. I have a little water left and look at the bedroom door again, speculating about whether I should ask if he wanted some tea too or not. I shake my head, no. Even if I pity him, because of his loss, I still don't want him to stay longer than he should.

I put some honey in the tea and blow on it, before stirring and mixing the purple water with the honey on the bottom of the cup. I never really liked tea when I was younger. But in college, I realized tea was a good cure of hangover. At least for me. I'm aware that most people say the same about coffee, but they surely haven't tried tea before then.

I carefully take the cup after throwing the teabag away and walk towards the couch. Just don't spill...don't spill. I sigh after successfully placing the hot cup down on the coffeetable. You wouldn't believe the amount of times this didn't go as planned and I had to change the carpet under the table.

I decided to read a magazine until Elias decides to come out. I was loosing my patience throughout the reading and placed the magazine back on the table. When I raised my cup of tea to my lips and nothing came out, I realized it was already empty.

I sigh when there was still no sigh of Elias. I decided to stand up and go check on him, maybe he'll get the hint. As I looked at the clock again, I shook my head in disbelieve, because it said that it was already past midnight. I can't believe I spend an hour reading a magazine.

"Hey-" I start to say as soon as I stepped in, but I quickly close my mouth after spotting Elias on the ground with Tobias' head on his stomach. They both look so peaceful and careless. What am I supposed to do now? Should I just let them sleep on the ground? It's cold, I could at least give them a blanket.

I sigh and turn to my closet to get out a cheetah printed blanket and carefully placed it over Tobias and Elias. I stood there, smiling down at them, before realizing this might be a little creepy. So I just kneel down and kiss Tobias' head softly, before turning around, closing the door after I got out and making myself comfortable on the couch.

Even though I know I wouldn't fall asleep soon and I'll be in a really grumpy mood tomorrow, I force my eyes close.

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