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Saturday came around sooner than I expected and I found myself waking up after noon. After noon? Oh my god, I haven't slept for so long in ages. But then again, I was having a hard time falling asleep last night, even with Tobias snoring on my legs. I stand up and make myself presentable. Now with another man living with me, I know that lazy days without a bra and only a sweatshirt are not a thing anymore. I already miss that.

There's only one thing about this house that's kind of disappointing: Elias and I have to share a bathroom. I know, right? We have a pool and a library, but have to share one small bathroom. Life is not fair, but it's better than nothing. I take my shampoo and shower gel out of the boxes and walk into the bathroom across from my room.

I need to buy a few more things, to make this a little more homey for me. I realized yesterday that whatever noise is made in my room, echoes. And I'm not the biggest fan of that. So maybe I find some decorations. I also need a new conditioner. Ever since Elias took the last bit of mine last week, I haven't conditioned my hair, which is really bad.

Thinking of Elias, where is he? I don't hear any noise from his room and Tobias seems to be gone too. I shrug for now and take a quick shower. I was somehow hoping I would get to take a bath, but there is only a shower in here. Again, really disappointing.

When I'm finished, I dry my body and get into the clothes, I already chose before getting in the shower. I learned from my mistakes. When I walk down the stairs with my hair still wet, I realize Elias must be out. The second I see a yellow post-it sticking on the fridge, my assumption gets confirmed.

Hey, I'm at work. I took Tobias with me. I'll be home at six. - Elias

I sigh and take the post-it off the fridge. I read his message again before throwing it into the trash. I open the fridge to get some breakfast, or brunch actually. I frown when I don't see any yogurt or vegetables, not even fruit. Maybe he has them somewhere else. I look around in the kitchen, but there is nothing. I decide to call Elias.

"Hey." He sounds breathless when he picks up at the third ring.
"Hi." I say slowly, already forgetting why I called.
"Did you get my message?" He asks softly and I nod, before realizing he can't see me.

"Yes, I'm sorry to disturb you." I say, remembering why I called.
"You're not disturbing." He says and I feel my cheeks warm up. He sounds off, weirder than yesterday.
"Uh, I was wondering if you really don't have fruit and vegetables, or if I'm just blind." I say, making him chuckle. Oh that sound...

"No, I don't eat healthy. But you can buy some if you want. I'll give you the money tonight." He says and I shake my head.
"Don't be ridiculous, I'll eat it, I'll buy it." I say, dismissing the fact that he doesn't eat healthy. I then decided to make dinner tonight. But it should be a surprise.

"If you want to." He sighs and silence surrounds us. He sounds so not like himself.
"Yeah, I have to go now. Have fun at work." I say and he chuckles.
"I will. Be careful, I'll see you tonight." With that he hangs up and I stand there for the next few minutes, thinking about what I could cook tonight.

But I decide to think about it once I'm in the supermarket. So I take my keys and get into my mini cooper. The drive to the market is surprisingly fast and I get a cart. As I'm slowly walking towards the vegetable isle, I see a familiar woman standing in front of the pepper. Oh no.

Probably not the best idea to go shopping at the family supermarket. I actually forgot about the fact that my family was now living only a few houses away from me. If my mom is here, then my- I duck behind a shelf when I see one of my twin brothers approaching here with a package of soda. Oh god, if Elijah is here, then Nathaniel must be around too.

For Tobias' Sake Where stories live. Discover now