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A/N: This one's for RunningOuttaTime. Because honestly, I think you're the only one who actually reads this book. I appreciate your support as always. Enjoy.

"Hey." I say when I straighten my back again to stand in front of him. He looks surprised as to where I suddenly came from, but smiles.
"Hey." He sighs, making my cheeks warm up again. I avert my gaze towards the flowers in his hands.

"Those are for you. Uh, as an apology for yesterday." He says, pressing the flowers onto my stomach. I smile, definitely blushing and take them. They are beautiful. It's a set of different flowers, the red roses being my favourites. But I shake my head and look back at him, seeing him take off his coat, revealing his tight pullover. Wow.

"It's fine, Elias. I feel embarrassed, because I bothered you. I also shouldn't have snapped. I just- it's just- you were talking about your dead grandparents and then it was so dark and I've never-" He chuckles and takes my cheeks in his hands, making me meet his flushed face.

"It's fine, sunshine. But I shouldn't have scared you after you really thought something happened. I'm sorry for that. You don't have to explain yourself." He says and I nod when he lets go of my face. I watch in amusement when he makes a curious face while sniffing the air.

"Are you cooking?" He asks, while walking into the kitchen. I look down at Tobias to see him running towards his food bowl, where I mixed some meat into his food, just like Elias. I chuckle and follow him into the kitchen. I see Elias opening the oven for a second to peek inside.

"Is that lasagne?" He asks, his tone showing signs of excitement.
"Yes, but healthy lasagne." I say, making him turn around and throw me a confused look.
"Healthy...lasagne?" He frowns and I nod, placing the flowers in a mug, because we don't have vases yet. I knew I forgot something.

"You told me you didn't eat healthy. I'm all about healthy. So I decided I'll cook for you tonight." I shrug and a small smile creeps onto his face, making me smile too.
"That's a cute bowl, where did you get that?" Elias clears his throat after a few seconds of awkward silence.

"Oh, I drove to IKEA earlier today. I got a few decorations for my room too. Oh and I got a laundry basket for the bathroom." I tell him and he nods impressed.
"Good thing I took Tobias with me then. He wouldn't be allowed in IKEA or any supermarket." He says and I nod.

"Yeah, but you had work. Was it okay with your boss?" I ask and he shrugs.
"The clients love Tobias and the boss is almost never at the garage, so no big deal." He states and I smile down at Tobias. Of course his clients love him, he's so cute.

"Did you feel better with him in your room yesterday?" I hear Elias ask while opening a cupboard to get a drink.
"Yes. I'm sorry for snapping again. I feel really stupid." I blush, playing with the hem of my shirt. I feel his presence in front of me as he lifts my chin up to meet his green bluish eyes.

"It's fine, sunshine. I told you, I understand." He says reassuringly and I smile, making him smile too and for a second I thought I saw his eyes flicker towards my lips. But I probably just imagined it. He let go of my chin and I feel as if I could finally breath again.

"How was work?" I ask him and hop on the kitchen counter to sit on it. He turns around after getting some orange juice out of the fridge. I watch him pour some of it in his glass, before placing it back on the counter. He turns to me, smiling when he leans his forearms on the counter next to me, his arm brushing my thigh.

"Fine. I mean, nothing special happened, really. " He says, letting out an exhausted sigh.
"What about you? How was your day?" He asks, looking up at me with interest. I decide to focus my eyes on his pullover, instead of blushing because of the attention he gives me.

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